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Whats the best store bought oats to use for jars?
1 person likes this.
Tractor Supply Co has 50 lb bags for $15. Brand is Producers Pride.
Like September 3, 2021
Jo smith
I buy 50 lb bags for 17 bucks at my local feed store. Triple cleaned race horse whole oats.
Like September 3, 2021
Stupid question i think. But what type of blade does everyone use for agar? Im having the issue of my blades flaking after 2 or 3 flame sterilizations. Even when i use a small flame. Any advice wou... View More
1 person likes this.
For people who still want to use flame disinfection it is not because of blade quality it's because you do flame hardening on metal - you can avoid that by reducing heat and or the amount of temperature changes. A safe way to do temperature based sterilisation is boiling water. Admiringly a white gl... View More
Like May 18, 2021 Edited
Fimari im not trying to make ot look cool. Im just trying to sterilize in-between agar dishes so i dont carry over any contam if there is any. I only go til it starts to glow red like everything ive seen online says to. That might be the wtong way to do it tho so thats y i posted the question. T... View More
Like May 19, 2021
Pyroparrish i dont use iso before or after i heat the blade. But please do tell how u know? 1f642.png
Like May 19, 2021
@bc if you get it slowly up to a dark red and slowly down from that temperature your scalpel should retain some elasticity.
Like May 19, 2021
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Anyone know wtf this purple shit is? Went grain to grain transfer and these jars are turning purple for some unknown reason.... super weird
4 people like this.
Most likely is just environmental contams tho...
Like April 20, 2021
Josey is right. Ive had that happen to me before as well
Like April 20, 2021 Edited
After i thought about it joeywales (i was a little drunk last night) i did do the transfer in my shroom room without my sab. I am spraying down my room today and starting with fresh rye berries and my agar cups. I appreciate your input man. Thanks A LOT
Like April 20, 2021
lipstick mold, that shit can give you meningitis
Like April 20, 2021
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Dried to 16g
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CaLi Uso
Whats you dryin method/secret? Its safe with me buddy lol
Like March 2, 2021
Like March 12, 2021
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Does anyone have experience with shroom grow tents? I have a tent with a fog box set up but I'm struggling with the temp. I sick of paying the crazy prices on my electric bill trying to keep the temp ... View More
2 people like this.
I really feel like a little space heater with a thermostate would work fine. Like a 40$ space heater. I run one in my lab keeps it 74-78 easy peezy.
Like February 16, 2021
Thanks all
Like February 16, 2021
I out a space heater in mush room house stays 70, room stays between 76-78. Have it on a temp controller.
Like February 17, 2021
I have it in my sump pump room and i covered all the walls in plastic. Its in my basement tho. We keep the house around 67°. I dont wanna use. Space heater because they are expensive to run ill try to wrap the tent and see if it helps
Like February 17, 2021
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I need advice from anyone that has knowledge. What would this growth be? I pulled it off and it looks likes this. Its the only 1 in the tub like this. Is it safe to dry and eat or should i trash or... View More
2 people like this.
Eddy V
looks like genital warts.
Like December 1, 2020
Its just mycelium, i had this on onr of my grows and researched it, its totally safe and probably due to humidity being to high coupled with low fae
Like December 1, 2020
Mycotripper. That makes perfect sense because i transferred the cake from a small tub to a bigger tub with no fae and i put two piles of peralight soaked. I was lazy and didn't use black plastic on the first small tub because i was leaving town. Im just happy to hear that white growth easnt conta... View More
Like December 1, 2020
Caused by lack of or poor quality FAE
Like December 2, 2020
Question for everyone.... whats the biggest grain bag u should try to do? I had rye berries and corn left after filling my jars and it left me with about a 5lb mixed bag. Is that something worth a a... View More
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Advice please. Good or trash? There is a fine fuzz on top
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I am confused! I thought a casing wasnt supposed to grow mycelium? I bought a casing bag from shroomery.com but its growing mycelium. Wth?
2 people like this.
It looks normal. Little fans of myc growin through.yall are almost there.
Like November 13, 2020
Thanks guys
Like November 13, 2020
Been 6 months in the jar. Tonight is the night i strain the honey. Tomorrow is the first time ive taking trip honey. Anyone know what the doses are lol. I made the honey for a buddy who was Righ... View More
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Sorry not sure why i felt the need to say what ive done. This is about my buddy.... fn alcohol! Lol. Please give me any advice
Like August 8, 2020
I dont have experience with making the honey, but you need to know how much you started with for one. From there, you have to assume you wont have quite that strength after making the honey. I dont know how much loss to account for, but after that, figure doses by the weight of the honey.
Like December 3, 2020
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