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Human. Lives in DENVER. Is in a relationship.
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On the path of intended enlightenment. Venturing out trying to grow medicine for myself, SO, and fri... View More
Trippy Reptiles and More
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Mycology » Psilocybin
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Mycology » Psilocybin
My patience has been next to nonexistent this past month - probably has something to do with DMTWorld withdrawls.. But have any in-the-moment practices worked for anyone??
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When i have the money for materials, im going to start making hand made down-scale sailboats. They remind me of the good times with my father as a child. I get excited planning everything out in my he... View More
2 people like this.
Try full size. It's not much more expensive.
Like November 24, 2020
I’m looking forward to seeing this to fruition.
Like November 25, 2020
Was looking....is there a group i should use if looking to connect with people about trades?
7 people like this.
I’ve thought of that too. I think it was BillyGraham that mentioned a group like this of sorts. I cultivate alot, and have shown pictures so I probably wouldn’t be accepted. But if it’s for swapping, I’m down. I’m in Nv.
Like December 15, 2020
Yeah bro friend search BillyGraham or just click his name ^^^ look at his stuff on being accepted in the sporetraders group. I think he's still hashing out the details because I have yet to see it go live or used it myself.
Like December 15, 2020
Everyone please send a warm welcome to my beautiful significant other! She has so much shine and love to share, im so glad she decided to join the family.
103 people like this.
Welcome to more love than you can handle (maybe not!)
Like December 14, 2020
WELCOME!!! I wish I could find one that shares the interest. My girls always hit me with, “like eww gross like omg like they look like penises like eww like yah”
Like December 14, 2020
that hits home. I also get “why are you so interested in those”. Maybe its true about opposite attrack cause we been together for 19 years now, i do know that the ones i have been with who had same interest were the ones i couldnt stand after x month or couldnt get their shtit together ... View More
Like December 16, 2020
Welcome 1f642.png
Like December 16, 2020
Have a good bit of charged moon water from last night. Extracted from a spring and charged around and through midnight. Denver area wiccans hmu if u need a little.
1 person likes this.
My niece charges ours
Like November 2, 2020
Any hunters in the Denver, CO area?
The token late bloomer. Is this a mutation?
15 people like this.
That one does look wild! Clone it! 1f642.png
Like October 25, 2020
Thats dope! Is that just a really thick cap? Or did the vail jist break weirdly perfect?
Like October 25, 2020
Its just really thick! It took awhile to mature too, im sure that has something to do with it
Like October 25, 2020
Dude thats super cool! Definitely clone it if you can! Id love to see some new fat cap mutations take off
Like October 25, 2020
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