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Agar Agar
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We back in business mckenna
Just finished working for the night great genetics came in
Agar agar much love!!sab work????????????
7 people like this.
Yes love the setup thinking about doing it myself
Like August 18, 2020
thanks bro i had this built by my good friend it works great and is really professional
Like August 19, 2020
Got my jars in today SHOUT OUT @Luckycharms
10 people like this.
These are bette rfor dmt work right
Like August 16, 2020
yea agar and clean water for syringes i will use them for
Like August 16, 2020
I tried to use a year old syringe for the sake of science just to say it could work and for some bragging rights with the fellas you can see i failed and these 3 jars have gone to the trash... View More
13 people like this.
Wait... You throw your jars? I've been reusing my jars and it still works. O:
Like August 13, 2020
Ya i deff store mine in the fridge i heard a dude on shroomery use a 5 year old one lol an got good results from it. But ya storing them in the fridge makes a big differenc but thats why i like spore prints cause if stored properly they can last forever 1f642.png
Like August 13, 2020
no way im opening that jar and have mold spores everywhere i dont care bout the jar usually use bags.....if u like opening jars like that and risking more contam go for it.. but its disgusting to me bro...if u need the jars and dont mind it open them under water in a pot or something
Like August 13, 2020
that will decrease risk of spore flying all over your house clothes and grows
Like August 13, 2020
Penis envy, jedi mind fuck cultures and a+ agar plate ready to go
8 people like this.
Doctor Tatan
thanks bro
Like August 14, 2020
so it turns out it was created by a guy on IG but he passed away and was able to leave this behind....definitely a blessing....thats really all the info i could get so far but im still checking
Like August 15, 2020
These are not the the kind of mushrooms you think they are (yeah lame movie line)
Like August 15, 2020
yea i like the a+ foreal love the vibe they give you in the trip
Like August 16, 2020
1 hr left last 3 bags of the night!!!
6 people like this.
yeah man i been at it all day lol this is the last batch i will cut it off and let em sit in there until im bout to use them...
Like August 13, 2020
night work for the win i love putting in work
Like August 13, 2020
Two bags down last three going
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