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Male. Lives in Philippines.
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A noob that's nervous cultivating shrooms.
Agar Agar
710 Members
Cultivating contams
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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Looks pretty good! There's some splitted stems, though... Gonna avoid on peeking in to ut for ever 5hours. FAE makes their step split up.
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Looking good
Like August 27, 2020
Looks like a possible side pin. Or should I say, side liner pinning. wink.gif
Small little bulks are forming on top of that root-like mycelium.
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shared a few photos
Two of my early growing mushies. They're pretty excited! (Kinda like me) They're outgrowing the rest! Phew! I can't waiiiit!
My bulk substrate is already showing results first rather than my brf cakes that is first to receive a freshaira day after.
I nearly pluck it off, because it's yellow'ish thing, but them saw a tiny ca... View More

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Oh, hey! You got rhe same looking bulk just like mine!
Like August 20, 2020
Oof! Brain fart. Lmao wtf.
Like August 20, 2020
Now thats funny shit right there
Like August 20, 2020
Set it up in a fruiting condition!
Have anyone combined mugwort and shrooms before? What does it feel like? And what did you experience from it?
Can you tell what did you experience from 1.5g of shrooms to 5g whilst you can still feel t... View More

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I thought mugwort is for dreams?
Like August 16, 2020
Welp... I'm staying away from grain mixed in coffee. It tends to get contaminated. This is my 4th time I tried it. Same result with the contamination. sad.gif
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I'll try it again when I finally know how to ratio my agar. I kinda fail in my agar. Put too many again and it's pretty thick.
Like August 10, 2020
Ah! I now know why! I fucked up the spore syringe I did. I didn't know that putting too many spores in my syringe will lead to contamination. Noob mistake. Leason learned. Gah...
Like August 10, 2020
Really squirting agar with a syringe in general is more likely to lead to contam. Swab or use a loop.
Like August 10, 2020
I'll look it up later.
Like August 11, 2020
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