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Post extraction pics? Who has slow evaporation teks to get aesthetically pleasing crystals? Do you Like acacia over mhrb?
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They all end up looking the same once you scrape. I'll stick to freeze precipitation and reusing naptha. Letting it evap isn't great environmentally and it also saves some cash not buying nps for each run. Pretty crystals are good for a picture I guess but it doesn't effect the end product. As for m... View More
Like August 21, 2020
^ I second all of this. I do the same thing for the same reasons.
Like August 21, 2020
Thanks yall and is it bad environmentally if i had it in my room and fans were going with window’s open? I want to do slow evap as a side project so i can get pretty crystals
Like August 22, 2020
Just freeze precip in small jar crystals grow on top each other
Like August 22, 2020
shared a few photos
First extraction wish me luck
11 people like this.
You trip?
Like August 19, 2020
Nope sadly
Like August 19, 2020
Any idea why????
Like August 19, 2020
I think maybe i didn’t do something with the rue correctly all the way But i have some extracted Harmalas in the Mail tomororw so I’ll try it with that
Like August 21, 2020
shared a few photos
Can i use for maoi? Please lmk asap how much will i need
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Like August 16, 2020
Why the rush on needed knowledge?
Like August 16, 2020
Cause i was tryna blst today ahha but it didnt work i used st john wort ima wait for my syrian rue to get here but also will gey some b caapi
Like August 16, 2020
Does anyone have videos about why psychedlics are illegal or i guess cia conspiracy theories specifcally drug culture and war on drugs.
3 people like this.
It sucks tho because If they legalized psychedelics they would makes so much money until people realize they don’t need money
Like August 6, 2020
I dont think there would be "so much money" to be made by legalizing psychedelics. there would be money to be made but nothing like cannabis, alcohol or even some of the other street drugs that are addicting. micro dosing would bring in a small consistent stream of income, but generally psychedelics... View More
Like August 6, 2020
Read chading the scream by johann hari
Like August 6, 2020
I disagree my frineds do dmt consistently on a weekly basis, shrooms cant he done daily but i think would still sell because cultivatores and workshops as well... lsd im not sure the tolerance but thst usually is the determinant to me and yea weed is awesome for when takin a break from trippin so th... View More
Like August 6, 2020
I have been doing alot of dmt rexently im in love i love mushrooms too but deems is aesome...
Who is tripping on deems often??? What do you thimk about the olace we go when we do dmt?
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What place do you go to?
Like August 1, 2020
@soundescape So many places i will start documentikg my trips... i sm hopikg we can make a device to show on a screen visually what the person sees on his trip
Like August 2, 2020
That device is called a canvas.
Like August 2, 2020
Lmao like a paint canvas? I cant paint lol
Like August 2, 2020
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