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Male. Lives in United States. Born on December 5, 1987. Is in a relationship.
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Life is wonderful an everyday is a blessing
Lively Liquid Culture
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Do we have a LC group??
14 people like this.
I know but we have a few agar groups an no lc groups... Mihht have to upgrade a start one
Like December 15, 2020
I created one, it’s called Lively Liquid Culture.
Like December 16, 2020
Very cool ill be heading that way
Like December 16, 2020
2nd pull gordotek
12 people like this.
Loooooookin goood...Im going to try it for the first time this week
Like December 15, 2020
Its quite easy no I don't have it dialed all the way in but I mean the basics of it good luck though my friend it's really nice to have around the house I'll tell you that
Like December 15, 2020
I can only imagine!!! Thank you1f642.png ill let you onownhow it goes
Like December 15, 2020
Had a great nite...
posted a trip report.
11 people like this.
We lose a lot of things when we try to explain something because language can only represent so much, ar least when it comes to English, sometimes it is just best to comprehend and integrate.
Like December 16, 2020
This is my 1st time doing a extraction an i had a good time with it thanks to #primebark great customer service an great product what morecould you ask for!!
This is still drying but what do you guys ... View More

2 people like this.
Richard London
I'm interested in doing an extraction also. Where to get mimosa bark and all the other ingredients? Is there a guide we can download? Thanks.
Like December 10, 2020 Edited
Like December 10, 2020
Looking forward to getting into this one!
24 people like this.
Spooner Christianity isn't irrelevant without a historical Christ, actually the figure of Christ is more appealing to many as an archetype of the spiritual aspirant instead of a historical figure because taking the scriptures literally is very difficult for the majority of people that werent raised ... View More
Like November 30, 2020
If History.com is half as credible as History the channel then ill believe anything they say! On a serious note, Id love to see the evidence that has led them to the conclusion that a historical Jesus actually existed
Like November 30, 2020
T rex ophora
Heres the “best proof” of a historical jesus. I hadnt looked this up in a while so i thought i would share. Written approx 93 ad by Flavius Josephus a jewish historian who was known to share reliable history. Thought it to be worth sharing for anyone interested. http://penelope.uchicago.edu/jo... View More
Like December 1, 2020
Christ is the God man.
Like December 2, 2020
See this is wht im talking about there is little to no guarantee im only buying the lowest amount but i do not like getting fucked an i really feel like im waltzing rite into one
Meanwhile on this app... View More

3 people like this.
@iTripHard. It is legal, but that does not mean that the DEA hasn't arrested and prosecuted people for buying it. No one is gullible. We've all don't the research, we've talked amongst each other. No one would've said anything other than don't go through them if their dyes didn't work wonderfully fo... View More
Like December 4, 2020
Primebark is the only bark I’ve used. Have never had an issue with payments.
Like December 4, 2020
Prime Bark
Hi, we changed our logo, this is us
Like December 8, 2020
So i wanted to delete this post out of embarrassment but I think it may help people in the future that want to purchase from prime bark as I did and was very happy and still am
Like December 17, 2020
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