on November 30, 2020
Looking forward to getting into this one!
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Spooner Christianity isn't irrelevant without a historical Christ, actually the figure of Christ is more appealing to many as an archetype of the spiritual aspirant instead of a historical figure because taking the scriptures literally is very difficult for the majority of people that werent raised ... View More
Like November 30, 2020
If is half as credible as History the channel then ill believe anything they say! On a serious note, Id love to see the evidence that has led them to the conclusion that a historical Jesus actually existed
Like November 30, 2020
T rex ophora
Heres the “best proof” of a historical jesus. I hadnt looked this up in a while so i thought i would share. Written approx 93 ad by Flavius Josephus a jewish historian who was known to share reliable history. Thought it to be worth sharing for anyone interested. View More
Like December 1, 2020
Christ is the God man.
Like December 2, 2020