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Psychedelics » DMT
Happy plant
Happy plant
Happy plant
21 people like this.
MycyMyc da fungi bunch
I needed this
Like October 6, 2020
Like October 6, 2020
Happy plant
Happy plant
Any recommendation for somthing to watch? Movies / series or anything
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They Live by John Carpenter. It is on Youtube. I use Chromecast to put it on my TV.
Like October 3, 2020
The umbrella academy
Like October 3, 2020
Watch some anime and this good show called final space
Like October 3, 2020
Happy plant
22 people like this.
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Like October 2, 2020
Happy plant
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LMAO the truth everybody needs to hear but bad dmt experiences are hellish so it takes a courageous person to keep going
Like October 2, 2020
Alex grey has a good podcast abot how this pandemic is like a bad trip, and how that is just the cycle of symbolic death and rebirth. . . The death part always involves some pain and discomfort, but it is what has to preclude the rebirth part which involves growth and progress
Like October 2, 2020
Happy plant
12 people like this.
Katie June
I love this
Like September 20, 2020
Like October 2, 2020
Happy plant
11 people like this.
If we aren't saving each other we are eating each other.
Like September 21, 2020
I love this. Thank you for being you in this Perfect YOUniverse
Like September 21, 2020
The problem is when people try to fight thier ego they just gain a new one that's just as strong but a diffrent type people just need to stay humble
Like October 2, 2020
Like November 6, 2020
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