Check out my book its about two friends who travel the country making lucy and spreading love
The Long Road(based on a true story) - kashthekid - Wattpad
based on true events this is the story about two college dropouts who's motivation in life gets shifted upside down after discovering an illegal substance know...
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I would like some help preparrjng for my first dmt expirence i have been taking a hitnor two every now and then to get comfortable with what i feeling but the closer and closer i get to a break throug... View More
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Just do it, no more little bit here little bit there.......the only way you will absolutely do it is that moment you feel the "fuck it, this is it" do it, three hits and dont think about it, dont analyz it, just go for it and do it and let go......if not it will take a long time to get there and you... View More
You are being your own barrier. Pause, breathe in and exhale slowly (count to eight in your head) and begin softly whispering the mantra "I know me, I have lived with myself all my life. I trust myself." Repeat this looking into a mirror, allowing yourself to get louder and slightly more confident w... View More
Thank you to everyone on here helping me with my experience I have broken through once but the thoughts created from the experience changed my life I'm about to be engaged and I'm working harder than ever and got a house I won't say psychadelics did all of this for me but they pushed my mindset to d... View More
Thirdeyesmokeshemp shared...
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Not a bad trip, but when i was a kid, like 6 or 7 maybe, i had this reoccuring dream of going onto this like alien ship but it was sort of like a shopping center. And when i smoked dmt the first time i fucking was there for real. Kinda messed with my head for a while.
Our subconscious is an extremely powerful and ultimately influential force that we rarely care to recoginize or acknowledge.... Even doing so makes us highly uncomfortable ... so once again, cognitive dissonance becomes the great shield of protection.
Sometimes, psychedelics can remove that shield ... View More