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Female. Lives in Denver, United States. Born on July 22, 1997. Is in a relationship.
About Me
based out of CO. working on some shit. iykyk. flow artists of CO~reach out!
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guess i had some pre-concieved notions about this platform and thus assumed that all of my fellow psychonauts/human beings on here would share my worldly views, but some of the things i’ve stumbled up... View More
6 people like this.
Joey Green
Indeed doobiebreath ...... the power structure has alwaya feared the unification of the lower classes above all else. Much has been written upon this very subject, some from founding fathers and what they say about this is both disturbing and enlightening. One could factually point out how any lead... View More
Like November 13, 2020
Joey Green
Just hear to say .... Sladds comment ..... "You may be right but I bet they still need a hug" ... View More
Like November 13, 2020
Id just like to reiterate - i love you all!!!
Like November 13, 2020
The Mushroom Man
You dont need to apologize for not being open to treason or insane conspiracy theories. Theres nothing sophisticated about accepting random crazy horseshit without looking into it. Thats not woke. I think youre probably good.
Like December 12, 2020
Everyone please send a warm welcome to my beautiful significant other! She has so much shine and love to share, im so glad she decided to join the family.
103 people like this.
Welcome to more love than you can handle (maybe not!)
Like December 14, 2020
WELCOME!!! I wish I could find one that shares the interest. My girls always hit me with, “like eww gross like omg like they look like penises like eww like yah”
Like December 14, 2020
that hits home. I also get “why are you so interested in those”. Maybe its true about opposite attrack cause we been together for 19 years now, i do know that the ones i have been with who had same interest were the ones i couldnt stand after x month or couldnt get their shtit together ... View More
Like December 16, 2020
Welcome 1f642.png
Like December 16, 2020
footpics4satan ...... wellll really it’s just a culmination of my different styles of humor- dry and fucked up
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What a coincidence, my parents think im Satan and i love feet!
Like November 6, 2020
lmfao. the name is freaking hilarious
Like November 7, 2020
hello, all.
glad and anxious to be here. i don’t think i, or anyone who knows me, would exactly describe this mass of stress and cells as “social”. nonetheless, i’m trying to manifest as much positive... View More

7 people like this.
Welcome friend! Glad you are here! You may have already found it, but there's a great group called "safe space" you may like. This is a beautiful, sacred space, and I hope you enjoy it here. I see you're in CO, there's a local meetup group called "Colorado Psychonauts" you might want to check out. ... View More
Like November 6, 2020
Welcome to the fam! I'm also self medicating to tackle manic depression, aka Bipolar II disorder 1f642.png It's a rough as shit road but doable.
Like November 7, 2020
Welcome... I'm local if you need to talk.
Like November 7, 2020
Hi1f642.png. Im new too. Lots of help on here. Check out Peter Levine, Somatic Experience. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nmJDkzDMllc... View More
Like November 8, 2020
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