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Male. Lives in Fullerton, United States. Born on December 21, 1999. Is single.
About Me
Really into anything that affiliates with the fine arts
Sk8 or die
1v1 me rust
???? huskers
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Status Update

So im trying for a new job and they drug testes me with mouth swab and shipped it out somewhere. I smoked like a tiny bit the day before and most of it was very stemy just broke it up practically not ... View More
2 people like this.
Like mentioned in previous comment s. They are not as accurate as people think. A good mouth rinse works like a charm. I've passed plenty of mouth swab test using generic mouth wash and a toothbrush.
Like July 31, 2021
Ye im hoping it all works out
Like July 31, 2021
Mouth swabs are an easy test to pass for weed. Basically just tests to see if youre higg at the moment. A good swish with some moushwash definitely helps, like bobby_g, ive passed many
Like July 31, 2021
Speaking from experience - i didnt know i was gonns be drug tested for a job and smoked DOWN the night before. Got a mouth swab AND offered the job. I passed, so good luck to you!
Like August 4, 2021