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Shroomin 2.0
1712 Members
Mycology ยป Psilocybin
Are you guess really scared of this covid shit? How many of you have actually quarantine yourself to your house? Am I odd for not giving a shit about it?
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So true T-Rex - Isolation ist worse than death. We need Love, we are love. Stay strong.
Like March 20, 2020 Edited
However, naturally occurring viruses seem to be nature's way of throwing a wrench in a species predictably comforting (self-serving) plans. in this way, they serve a very important purpose which has slipped by most of the talking heads and garden variety experts. they force us to take a deeper look ... View More
Like March 20, 2020 Edited
T-Rex so on point 100% what is truly amazing italy has been in lockdown for a few weeks and already the wildlife is coming back the canals have become crystal clear no muddy colour water fish swans ect have returned. i wonder if we all go/went into lockdown how much more of grandmother earth will ... View More
Like March 20, 2020
Everyone is going on about the economy, its only important because we've allowed something imaginary like money control our lives, it has no value but unfortunately it a necessity and we as a species have let it get to powerful that we're dependent on a bit of paper or a few numbers on a screen, its... View More
Like March 20, 2020
To those that need to hear this, true reality has no time! Time is an illusion designed to keep the ???? on task! just saying
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Time is a stagnant swamp. Everything that has happened or will happen is happening right now in this very moment.
Like March 18, 2020
shared a few photos
Trippy mutant B+
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holy mutations batman!
Like March 4, 2020
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