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Female. Lives in Melbourne, Australia.
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Open minded,
Never taken psychedelics but curious
Love nature
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Ok so question,
Does anyone here get psychosis from smoking weed?
Also have you taken mushies and yoh get psychosis from that too?
The only reason im scard to take mushies is because weed brings out ps... View More

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Also they arent always consistant in nature
Like May 26, 2020
my experience is that weed is much more unpleasant for me than psychedelics.. mushrooms open my heart while weed closes it..
Like May 26, 2020
Onedude, Its just like i get ultra paranoid, so many thoughts overunning my brain, to the point they are yellikg at me and i curl up in a ball and want to sleep. Only when i have thc, cbd does not do this to me
Like May 26, 2020
I get that id def say try the mushroom route just be safe when foraging im simply recomending going the cultivation wild foraging can be quite dangerous
Like May 26, 2020
I do like your art work, just bought a painting online the other day and waiting on it to arrive, keep the fine work going ????????✌
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Hi, i dont sell my artwork (although I probably should) maybe you have me mixed up with someone else?
Like May 19, 2020
Hello! New here from Melbourne Australia, never done psychodelics, was in MDMA for a while in my youth, have now hit the 30 milestone and have always been interested in Mushies and psychodelics, i lov... View More
10 people like this.
You can expect body trips, visuals(on higher doses), philosophical thinking, euphoria, laughter etc etc its subjective on multiple variables. Yes it could go bad but this is why it is important to start low and go up. Starting with high doses has never shown good experiences in beginners, from my ex... View More
Like May 20, 2020
high five !!!
Like May 20, 2020
High five back!
Like May 20, 2020
The mesoamerican people and also the likes of Maria Sabina have noted that they also do not eat huge doses all at once, they munch get effects, munch again. I agree with this use very much as you can then better gauge based on how you are feeling from what you have thus took
Like May 20, 2020
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