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Psychedelics » Other Compounds
Put me on the moon with shrooms. This world is so fucked. EML
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why stop at moon hit the D and head to another universe !!!
June 1, 2020
Anyone taking Wellbutrin have experience on shrooms?
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I was given bars with 3.5mg. I take 300mg of wellbutrin daily. Id be microdosing.
May 28, 2020
New here. Any information or experiences with microdosing psilocybin mushroom ??I have never been on a trip. ????????
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Hello. Welcome. Most people will recommend five days on two days off with an occasional week break every now and then. The breaks helps to prevent building a tolerance. It also gives you a baseline to use for comparisons of when your dosed verses when your not. Fewer people recommend dosing every ot... View More
Hello, im one of those proponents on microdosing. I would recommend taking no more than .2 of a gram in a single dose. Even sometimes thats too much. Im learning that the sweet spot is around .08 to .15 of a gram is where i feel comfortable a few times a week that works with your schedule. I feel it... View More
May 28, 2020
I forgot to add, make sure you take them on an empty stomache for the best results. I also have bad eyesight and i wear glasses and i swear that its helped my vision but its not permanent though. Thats why i stay on a regimen.
May 28, 2020