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Female. Lives in United States. Born on September 12, 1986. Is single.
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Put me on the moon with shrooms. This world is so fucked. EML
7 people like this.
why stop at moon hit the D and head to another universe !!!
Like June 1, 2020
for the weekend. ✨
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Love me some edibles what's the mg dosage?
Like May 28, 2020
Anyone taking Wellbutrin have experience on shrooms?
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I take 300mg every morning. I have eaten shrooms twice since starting on pharmacuticals again. I notice a small loss of strength, so I need a little more mush to get the same results. So far so good.
Like May 27, 2020
I was given bars with 3.5mg. I take 300mg of wellbutrin daily. Id be microdosing.
Like May 28, 2020
New here.
Any information or experiences with microdosing psilocybin mushroom ??
I have never been on a trip. ????????
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Hello. Welcome. Most people will recommend five days on two days off with an occasional week break every now and then. The breaks helps to prevent building a tolerance. It also gives you a baseline to use for comparisons of when your dosed verses when your not. Fewer people recommend dosing every ot... View More
Like May 26, 2020
Hello, im one of those proponents on microdosing. I would recommend taking no more than .2 of a gram in a single dose. Even sometimes thats too much. Im learning that the sweet spot is around .08 to .15 of a gram is where i feel comfortable a few times a week that works with your schedule. I feel it... View More
Like May 28, 2020
I forgot to add, make sure you take them on an empty stomache for the best results. I also have bad eyesight and i wear glasses and i swear that its helped my vision but its not permanent though. Thats why i stay on a regimen.
Like May 28, 2020
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