by on January 2, 2021
I noticed that a lot of people take trips while watching TV being around others or just for fun or to escape a painful or less than fulfilling life, but I have personally found a way to do real personal work and powerful change work in my life. The most powerful process I've ever found is to spend 3 weeks or more with no media inputs whatsoever lots of solitude. And the reason for this is that most of the thoughts bouncing around in her head are not even our own and when everything that's coming from media and movies is programming and control systems and mindsets and manipulation you have to get all of this out of yourself before you're even your true self. It takes this long before the thoughts are even your own.
Now isn't that something to consider what if the words in your head aren't your desires your dreams your hopes your expectations are not fulfilling you because they did not come from your heart?
During this time I get my mind still and meditate on a regular basis as well as sensing any body sensations and inviting emotions to become known and this self work is often very productive but not necessary. during this meditation time I expand my awareness to outside my body as far as possible and this practice is very helpful for what's to come.
Then using golden teacher I relax and let go of Any resistance and meditate to still mind. Resistance prevents progress. Releasing allows the energy and emotion to flow.
Taking Typically 20 to 35 grams fresh(only fresh and living). Enough to connect the mind but not so much that I can't bring back the lessons learned.
The most profound experience ever had was when I just simply held the thought and expanded my awareness that I was an immense eternal spiritual being that covered the face of the earth and the universe.
My body began to vibrate slowly and then quicker and then bam my ears rang and I was dropped through the veil into the void. in the space I experience things that I'm not even going to attempt to describe in written word because it would be absolutely pointless. This space was more real than this world. I will say this meditation and mushrooms can bring you to a place where you can change this physical reality from a spiritual place.
For example I had a problem in my gut and the Dr said required surgery. It plagued me for a year. In the elevated meditation state I looked down and saw a worm alien thing. Without judgement I pulled it off and released it and told it I no longer accepted it. When I came out of state I was healed and I've never had another pain or symptom or problem since.
I've also discovered that when I need to make sales I can reach out from this space send love to all, present my value and make instantaneous sales is it much much more effective than playing the odds of advertising hoping for a profitable return on investment.
When I need knowledge or I need people I can also reach out in this space and usually within hours the same day or the next day I have my answers or have met the people necessary. It's manifestation on steroids errr.. shrooms
So I want to encourage anyone that this resonates with to make it happen because this is a real powerful tool for real change in the physical and spiritual world This is not just something recreational or something to be on with thoughts of a deceptive media music or movies bouncing around your head creating personalities and thought types that do not serve you. It's truly sacred.
Posted in: Psilocybin, Meditation
27 people like this.
I love this idea.
Like February 18, 2021
Would love to hear your experience. It's such a positive powerful tool
Like February 19, 2021
I split the weekend into two trip reports which i believe you can access from my profile. They're not too long! They summarise the only parts i can remember and/or make cognitive sense of! I'm still learning and remembering things even months later. It is an incredibly powerful and positive tool, i ... View More
Like February 19, 2021
@TinyGiantLife I would really like to talk with you....but I don't want to impose. DM me if you would like to connect
Like March 3, 2021