by on September 23, 2022

3,6 gram Pie Crust Melmac

I finally found 2 days to myself to have a proper experience again, this would be the second Pie Crust experience, I took 1,7 gram a couple of weeks ago while walking through the forest and that was really beautifull. This time i felt like going a bit deeper, a dose of 3,6 gram seemed good for this moment and it was plenty i can tell you that.
I created a sacret space on my fathers propery, he is building a small temple for all sorts of activities that involve self development. I had a view on that temple as i watched the sunset followed by the moon set, i had a fire burning in front of me as I consumed the mushrooms slowly just by chewing them away.
The medicine took a hold of me gently right in the beginning i felt a presence creeping up at me, making contact with my knee that i could fisically feel, like a hand on my knee in a soothing way. Moments after this contact was established deep emotion broke free, I cried like I saw a loved one die before my eyes, uncontrolled crying made me gasp for air in between and it was this action that fully opened my lungs and stuff started flying out while my finger tips tingled like in a breathwork session. It was a deep emotional and fisically cleaning. Through the whole process I felt supported by some kind of being, I didnt feel alone at all. After I cried my tears there was a phase of recovering, it was such an intense energie release that my body was shaking and i needed some time to equalize. It was like the trip kicked in fully after I shed my tears and I was surrounded by visuals, I opened my eyes and could see these typical Mandelbrot Set shapes floating through the air and as I looked up this holographic structure or being slowly decended and hoverd right above me and again I felt this contact, very gentle and soothing. Time to close my eyes again and go on a exploration through the visons that where very vivid and responsive to my thoughts, speech and movment. I Asked the mushroom how i could protect myself from heavy energies from other people, I find myself sometimes getting really drained just by being around people. I didnt quite get an answere yet, instead I got lost in the visuals and at some point it got really dark and apocalyptic. I could see the end of days happening and a deep fear came over me and as it goes this fear is nessasary to go through so my thoughs were moved in another direction. From this fear flowed a realization which is the importance of living an honourable life. I felt that living with honour starts with being totally truthfull and respectfull to your self and by living that you will be that for your envioment too. I had this strong sense of a higher power working with us, it felt that what ever is out there deeply appreaciates people that live with honour and respect and that this intelligence can provide guidence, protection and wisdom if you play your cards right.
It felt like I was tripping for quite some time already, I experienced alot and thought the peak was over, i leand back in my chair closed my eyes again only to see that i was still hallucinating fully. I was tiered and kind off bummed out that i was still going deep, this kind of negative vibe brought me to a space where ive been before, a space where there is no time and where there is no time, time doesnt pass.. I got stuck in a time loop again, i recognized it and even with the wisdom that it happend before and it always works out in the end, I couldnt surrender to it. With sweaty palms I sat by the fire, playing with it a bit to ground my self but it didnt really work, I tried to get out of this vibe but at some point I really had to do something about it. Went for a short stroll, entered the farm tip toeing to the kitchen as my dad was sleeping and grabbed myself a kiwi and walked to the shower. The cat was sleeping in the shower and connecting with her had a grounding effect, a shower wasnt nessasary anymore and i just ate my kiwi while dancing around the fire, i figured that i at least would look beautifull while i lose my mind a bit. kiwi did a beautifull job of taking the edge off and i equalized quickly. When i came back to my self i was happy and at peace again, greatfull for the experience and spend some time reflecting on it and making some note's.
I was a beautifull experience that was a fair bit stronger then i was expecting it to be, you get what you need i guess. Looking forward to growing and eating more of these beauties.

Mush Love

Posted in: Psilocybin
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Thank you for sharing. It is making me look forward to what I'll be consuming soon.
Like September 24, 2022
Mushlove guys! 2665.png
Like September 28, 2022 Edited
Gotta love the melmacs. It reminds me of my trip with them. Mush Love ❤️
Like October 11, 2022 Edited
They are truly amazing 1f60a.png 2665.png
Like October 11, 2022