Trip Reports
It has been awhile since I have taken a journey so I decided to take it slow back at 4.3g before I decide to do a Hero again. Originally I was going to do this at the cabin on my trip. However, my 6 hour hike to the hot springs ended up replacing that. So basically the first phase of my trip was going out into nature and then returning home to work on myself some more healing wise. After eating the 4.3g of JMFs and drinking my ginger tea I went to go sit on the couch and watch Encanto with my beautiful fiancee with the dog. After a minute I started seeing the floor shift and this particular strain was messing with my mind by not allowing me to see visuals right away. Instead I was being mind fucked thinking I was not tripping when in reality I was tripping balls to the wall. I got to see the same beautiful color light show on the ceiling and eventually the movie ended. It was time to go to bed with my lady so I ended up laying down in my dark room with my beautiful aurora bourealis light setup. I even noticed one of my psychedelic posters shape shift where it went from a meditating deity to a baphomet. I don't know why I always encounter the devil but everytime I do I simply do not fear for my spirit is strong and guarded from such evil. Later on my light show changed into a God from India I have encountered on my last 5.2g of Maz. The God was very happy to see me and assured me that I will be ok and to stay strong. I ended up laying down and resting well. Fast forward and I decided to go and take a shower. When I went to shower the water turned into beautiful colors as it splashed down and the shampoo bottle kept coming to me and then going back to it's original spot. After I was slowly coming back to normal I closed my eyes and went into a deep peaceful sleep. I prayed for my family in Ukraine and for the ones that were able to escape. I'm thankful to have access to this medicine for my own personal healing. However, it should be available to everyone.
Posted in: Psilocybin
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I will pray for your family as well. I have some spores in the fridge I can't wait until I get ahold of it. The shower sounds amazing