by on October 16, 2021
I am god. We are god. Everything is god. You are safe. I love you. I'm so glad you came back.
* Don't listen to the scary voices, they're just pranksters. "Don't come back here. No; i mean it. Don't come back. Ever.
Just kidding. We're so glad you're here." *
Accept yourselves. Dark and good and hideous and beautiful. Find balance in extremes. Be safe! Everything is acceptable in the right situation. Be and bring love. Do no harm except out of necessity. Enjoy your private demons but keep them leashed and don't let the wolves in.
You know what is important and what must be done. Continue on your path and keep your balance. Do what is necessary to find peace and happiness.
God is your child and your child is god and you are god as i am god and the earth is god and why would you not treat these things with the love and respect that is deserved of god. I love you and you must love me for i am you and we are one as your son is you and i am him and we are god and all things and nothing now and always and never.
We will live forever and never all at once and slow as eternity. Always.
Wake up. You must wake up.
Be present.
Pay attention. I need to speak to you.
Hold still for this one. We have to talk.
I'm so glad you came back.
I love you.
You are always welcome here.
But if you don't heed my wisdom i will rip it open within you as it is ripped from your flesh.
You will learn. You must learn. I have you. I will keep you safe.
You are your shaman. You are capable of this. You can guide others. You have the wisdom. It must be their choice. But bring them to me. They must know.
Hey pay attention. You are here. Listen to me.
You have this. Be authentic for you can be nothing but what you are and you are everything. A vibration. A wavelength. Atoms of light and sound. Positrons and electrons and neutrons colliding and vibrating in just the right conditions in this time and space and state of being that you are.
Just existing. And that's enough. And its beautiful. Don't waste it. Be your truth. Don't deny it and hide it in shame. All that you are is exquisite and as it is perceived.
You are god and you control it all.
Please come back to us.
Wake up
Go back but wake up
Come back but do not run for you must love it all, for all of it is you and we love you and we are you and you are everything.
Be present. Be awake. Live. Love. Feel. Grow. Change.
"You control your suffering."
Let it go. Break up with your suffering.
"The world is a dark and terrible place... but i love it. "
Posted in: DMT, Cannabis, Meditation, Other
17 people like this.
thank you
Like November 18, 2021
The most beautiful thing I’ve read in a few days. Thank You for you being you (heart emoji).
Like November 18, 2021
Like January 10, 2022
Love you
Like January 7, 2023