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Female. Lives in United States.
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Live close to Atlanta. Looking to connect with others in the area.
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I’ve always wanted to try DMT but was scared. My BF died by suicide recently so I hope when I’m in a better place, I can try DMT since I hear that DMT is released in your body right before you die. I ... View More
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Start learning about it and how to extract it if you keep thinking about it, that means you are being called to it.......Research and learn eventually you may get to the point of your journey where it's time to actually try it and because you did the work and put your energy into the extraction the ... View More
Like December 1, 2022
Like December 1, 2022
I did an extraction and have still yet to try it. Ugh
Like December 2, 2022
Looking to connect with people in the Atlanta area. ????
PS saw this on my walk yesterday
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U can also smoke or vape them after dehydration
Like December 1, 2022
AcidFriendly, I think my hesitation is the nausea.
Like December 2, 2022
BB85 trust me there won't be any nausea. The dehydration process will break up the chitin in the mushroom, which normally cause nausea due to its poor digestibility. Sometimes the ibotenic acid will cause nausea but it will be decarboxylated into muscimol within the dehydration process.
Like December 2, 2022
Oh! Thank you for this information!!!
Like December 2, 2022
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