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Male. Lives in United Kingdom. Born on May 4, 1986.
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Hey my fellow psychedelic travellers, I'm Sunny.
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Status Update

Help! Forgot to shake the mazatapec spores before inoculation! Not seeing any growth after 6 days sad.gif
3 people like this.
Took 12 to 13 days for any growth aftet i inoculated with spore syringe, from what ive read they're very slow to start
Like October 11, 2021
Learn agar brother. You could take 1/2ml of that 6ml syringe and stretch it infinitely. Mimti generations anyway. Also genetics Isolations. And obvious detection of contamination in days opposed to weeks/months with mss to grain. This resource has an infinite combined wisdom. And they like to help.!... View More
Like October 11, 2021
Hey brother don't worry. It takes time and Maz is a very aggressive strain. Give it some time and you will find aggressive growth soon. Be patient. Learning Agar is important as well but can be challenging with a MSS. My rule is innoculate Agar 3x if dealing with contamination the first time. After ... View More
Like October 12, 2021
Thanks for the advice.. I see mycelium growth its very slow!!
Like October 17, 2021