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Male. Lives in Oxford, United Kingdom. Born on February 1, 1998. Is single.
London Psychonauts
156 Members
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I am tired of not finding any DMT, i feel as though, it is so unfair that as a human being i cannot access something that is so profound and precious. Something that is present abundantly in nature an... View More
10 people like this.
So it seems that the best approach is research research research... A lot... Then... Synthesize
Like January 8, 2020
Its all good man. Patience is key and it will eventually come to you either by making it yourself or running into someone who has it. But to each their own
Like January 30, 2020
Alex if you really want to meet the entities, then order root bark lye and naptha. Your half way there and as long as your careful and follow the recipe, the rest is really not difficult, well worth the effort, that we will all tell you, Side note... When you have extracted some dmt its really wort... View More
Like January 30, 2020
Tunnel bird
Try the ajna light ! Same expereince
Like January 31, 2020
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