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Male. Lives in United States. Born on April 20, 2000. Is single.
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Mycology » Psilocybin
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Has any of you ever witnessed someone doing Acid & "not coming back"? Like, losing your mind & not ever finding it back? I've seen/witnessed this sort of thing with my father... View More

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This is a good question. There's a lot of misinformation out there in regards to this issue. From my understanding of biology and medicine what I can say is, this phenomenon occurs, but it is misunderstood. From what I can tell, the people who "don't come back" as you say, are individuals who have u... View More
Like April 22, 2023
Erik Cole
I used to experience psychosis a lot surrounding my psychedelic use, but that’s because I have schizophrenia, and when I was having problems with psychosis I was not managing my disease properly, so nowadays I have to be very careful with my psychedelics use. I have to make sure I take my medication... View More
Like April 22, 2023
I know someone who never became himself ever after mixing too much drgs that contained acid.. that guy is became dumb as he hit the flowers on the street bc he thinks he able to push it into weed, same with coke etc
Like April 22, 2023
Otto_didactic, just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Also, schizophrenia is the only mental disease to present in every culture that's ever existed at about the same rate of occurrence. Of course there are underlying psychological issues. That's basically what w... View More
Like April 30, 2023
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I wish I could go back in time. I would go back to when me & the person I love were genuinely happy together & beat myself to death to take his place so I can alter the future that has become my depre... View More
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She isnt the one. You may think she was, but if shes causing you this pain i promise theres a better person out there for you. I lost the total sense of who I was without her. I'm still trying to find myself again but I can't and you shouldn't allow someone else to Define Who You Are.
Like September 6, 2020
Thanks man
Like September 9, 2020
Hey Xach, how are ya feeling?
Like September 9, 2020
Joey Green
Yesterday is irretrievable and done..... Tomorrow is always just out of reach, but is malleable..... Today is always where we reside, exist and make choices influencing our tomorrows. Having said that .... Instead of wasting lifes energy by unsuccessfully trying to time travel into the past to unre... View More
Like September 9, 2020
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Does anyone have any good methods of how to quit nicotine addiction? I've put down alot of things but I just can't seem to put down cigarettes.. Any advice at all would be helpful.
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Thank you to everyone. My quit date will be September 2nd. I also get off color code & can go back to smoking herb on that date, so i think it will be a good day to quit. I will also try to have some shrooms or LSD set up too. & To ssteal, i have tried chantix, i didnt finish the whole pack bc it w... View More
Like August 28, 2020
Best wishes i too will set my date soon
Like August 28, 2020
Like August 28, 2020
"Tabex" tablets helped me, they are nicotine free and prevent cravings....good luck 1f642.png
Like August 28, 2020
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