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Erik Cole
Have you all heard about the meteor shower tonight? Supposed to be a lot of meteors after dark. Hopefully we’ll all get to see some meteors, it’s supposed to be visible all over Earth I think. One lov... View More
Erik Cole
Hey everyone! I have a cacti growing question. How long does it take Bolivian Torch cuttings to start sending out roots after I put it in a pot? Just trying to gauge how long I should wait until I sta... View More
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If it hasn't been sitting around in the dark it can handle plenty of sun. They're a little more sensitive than pachanoi or peruvianus but they definitely like sun. Roots seem to come in their own time. Sometimes it's a couple weeks, sometimes it takes a literal year or more. It depends on a few thin... View More
Like April 17, 2023
If you want to encourage roots you can dip the bottom of the pot in water. The roots will come out to try and soak up the moisture. I tend to avoid watering the whole pot of an unrooted cactus because it can sometimes cause them to rot from being too wet for too long. Without roots, it's pretty much... View More
Like April 17, 2023
Erik Cole
Thanks so much pachanoi-roy. That’s amazing that it can take so long for roots to develop. I once read that plant roots don’t grow toward water, instead they grow in the presence of water. Have you heard that before?
Like April 18, 2023
No I haven't. But when it comes to succulents it's better to err on the side of caution with moisture levels. For how resilient they are most of the time, succulents and cacti can be really fussy about being too wet for too long
Like April 18, 2023 Edited
Erik Cole
Please be careful reading this as it may be traumatic for some with overdose trauma. As I near April 20th, it was 14 years ago that my Uncle and I found my 16-year old cousin dead of an overdose of op... View More
11 people like this.
Hugs, we love you. Glad we can honor and witness the beautiful memory of your cousin.
Like April 14, 2023
Thank you for sharing her through memory.
Like April 14, 2023
Thank you for sharing and I'm so sorry for your loss.
Like April 15, 2023
Erik Cole
My baby kitties, every morning they join me beside the creek for meditation. So blessed to have them in my life, they bring me so much love and joy.
14 people like this.
They cleaning up each other? They are so cute
Like March 9, 2023 Edited
Erik Cole
Haha yep they love each other, they’re sisters, like two peas in a pod.
Like March 9, 2023
So cute. I’ve recently took in two brothers … and their momma.
Like March 10, 2023
Erik Cole
That’s so sweet, Saidar. My wife always says orange cats have such close comradeship with their humans, just like our tabby kitties do.
Like March 10, 2023
Erik Cole
Just wanted to thank everyone here for being such good souls. Haven’t been on in awhile but it’s so good to see such love and kinship amongst everyone here. Much love and gratitude everyone.
13 people like this.
Much love to you buddy! Stay safe <3
Like March 8, 2023
Welcome back man 1f642.png
Like March 8, 2023
Erik Cole
Hope all here are doing well, just wanted to share about my experience this past weekend backpacking in the mountains with my good friend. Was super cold at night, but I came home last night with a mu... View More
Erik Cole
You’re a good soul, just be yourself. Something that I told myself that may help someone else too. Love you all!
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Mantra Mantra Mantra!
Like October 27, 2022
Erik Cole
Mantras are my best friends lol!
Like October 28, 2022
Erik Cole
Hey all you special souls, I’ve been active on here before, used to be selfhealer, been awhile though. Blessings to all. I haven’t used psychedelics in several years, as I used to run into problems, b... View More
Erik Cole
Sometimes I feel like I lose perspective and get bummed out about particular things, but then I kind of regain perspective sometimes when I realize that it’s a miracle that life even exists at all.
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Amen brother gotta find that light shining
Like August 16, 2022
Erik Cole
Just listening to‘Embryonic Journey’ by Jefferson Airplane and thinking about how this journey of life, from our mother’s womb to where we are now, is such a miraculous gift from a divine source. I f... View More
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