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Male. Lives in Louisiana, United States. Is married.
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Looking for legit site for some mimosa bark. I'd really prefer it be in powder format. Was gonna use EES but they only have chips now and I really don't wanna have to grind it down. Any help would be ... View More
2 people like this.
Check out group there are some reviews of bark there and I am sure others will chime in.
Like August 3, 2022
Thanks!! Will do..
Like August 3, 2022
Just decided to go with EES and grind my own shit. Seems a lot cheaper and EES has best prices and I shopped through them before.
Like August 3, 2022
Anybody purchased from exotic earth seeds lately? I used them like 2 years ago and haven't had to purchase anything since. Just wanna make sure they are still legit.
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Probably why it's out of stock.
Like August 1, 2022
Invitrohulk I didn't know there was a season. Is this for alkaline purposes
Like August 1, 2022
Lol it grows on the other side of the world.. it's winter or early spring where it grows naturally
Like August 2, 2022
Well now I feel like a dumb ass... Of course. I always tend to overthink things but why would season prevent harvest? Reproduction?
Like August 4, 2022
If any of you guys are in Houston, you have to check out seismique. It's AMAZING!!
Update on my E.E.S. order. For those of you that wanted an update. He did mail it the next day, as he said he would and the shipment should arrive tomorrow.
You know you have a good friend when he brings you this just cause...
12 people like this.
Had some ALD-52 “Orange Sunshine” not like the original barrels however. It was on plain white blotter paper.
Like November 28, 2019
Took a hit the other night and i must say it was pretty good as i expected. Very clean and a really nice body buzz. 1 hit had me on the brink of visuals. We watched 90s music videos and laughed for hrs. Forgot how corny the 90s were.. haha.. Gonna up the dosage sunday and wait for my bark to hopeful... View More
Like November 29, 2019
Ben Stein
Whats all the black shit on it?
Like November 30, 2019
Not sure.. Maybe it was blotter art. I know he was given a 100 hit sheet with his art on it. Possibly a piece of it..
Like November 30, 2019
My sentiments exactly...
Anybody know where to order salvia domestically? Its legal in my state and wanted to find a legit vendor.
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Well, i thought it was legal in my state but i was wrong.. I was mislead. Glad i double checked.
Like November 8, 2019
My kind of Saturday!!
17 people like this.
Works pretty damn good to me.. 3-4 hits off a fresh bowl damn near guarantees me a breakthrough... I was infusing weed and using a boundless dry herb vape. Had to clean out for a screening at work, so i looked for some CBD to use. Well, i can't buy dry herb CBD here in Louisiana and while i was goin... View More
Like November 7, 2019
Evolve plus XL has four coils if you ever wanna upgrade, but a lightbulb vape will treat you better.
Like November 7, 2019
Not a fan of that method. I tried with a meth pipe but just don't seem to get as good of hits.
Like November 7, 2019
Meth pipe and lightbulb vape are way different. You need something that can build up vapor. I’ve broken through off two small tokes on a lightbulb. It takes time to learn but I’ve never smoked with someone who blasted off easier than with me and my bulb.
Like November 7, 2019
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