on October 27, 2019
My kind of Saturday!!
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Works pretty damn good to me.. 3-4 hits off a fresh bowl damn near guarantees me a breakthrough... I was infusing weed and using a boundless dry herb vape. Had to clean out for a screening at work, so i looked for some CBD to use. Well, i can't buy dry herb CBD here in Louisiana and while i was goin... View More
Like November 7, 2019
Evolve plus XL has four coils if you ever wanna upgrade, but a lightbulb vape will treat you better.
Like November 7, 2019
Not a fan of that method. I tried with a meth pipe but just don't seem to get as good of hits.
Like November 7, 2019
Meth pipe and lightbulb vape are way different. You need something that can build up vapor. I’ve broken through off two small tokes on a lightbulb. It takes time to learn but I’ve never smoked with someone who blasted off easier than with me and my bulb.
Like November 7, 2019