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Physics and Metaphysics
I currently have a few servings of crystal DMT. I used a small amount a few times. I want to increase the dose a little but I'm afraid. Are there any heavy users or overdoses? What is the effect i... View More
1 person likes this.
I did 250 mg sandwich method and lived to tell the tale. Please for the love of God dont do that! Be reasonable. Just be ready to let go however much you do and you'll be fine. In managable doses its actually very good for you both mentally and physically. Best of vibes on your journey my friend!!!
Like September 11, 2023
You won’t od in the sense of say opiates where it’s deadly, but can scare ppl enough to stay away for awhile. I would recommend starting with a small amount to get comfortable. Wait between trips for tolerance to reset, then go deeper as you like. Properly vaporized 40-50mg is enough for a good trip... View More
Like September 11, 2023
Thor Odinson
I'm pretty sure overdose and physical death is impossible. Metaphorical is another story. Ego death is on the table. It's more of a matter of mental and spiritual intrepidation
Like September 11, 2023 Edited
can someone please teach me how to synthesize dmt from mimosa hostelis? Or can you provide a video tutorial link please?
shared a few photos
Is this the Real mimosa tree??
3 people like this.
The ones I’ve seen had more of a pink hue than purple
Like June 2, 2023
No, that is not mimosa tenuiflora
Like June 3, 2023
Purple flowers is a jacaranda tree. There are multiple types of mamosa. This one is ornamental.
Like June 11, 2023
Thank you for the confirmation. I've always heard the same thing
Like June 21, 2023
Hello to all dancing creatures of this world...nice to meet you ????????
10 people like this.
@Christian, that beautiful creature there is an anemone. Its a saltwater creature that will sting, grab hold and try to consume anything that touches it (accept for clown fish) and poison the fuck out of you. It contains neurotoxins that will fuck you up and just watching them flow in the water is m... View More
Like January 11, 2022
These where my tube anemones. One was pink and the other was blue. I stared at these guys for hours on end. To bad i wasnt tripping then.
Like January 11, 2022 Edited
Never heard of these. Thanks . They deff look deadly & majestic
Like January 11, 2022
I used to keep Entacmaea quadricolor, loved feeding them brine shrimp
Like January 12, 2022
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