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Male. Lives in United States. Born on June 7, 1989. Is in a relationship.
About Me
Hello, I am 30 years old and have around 10 years of experience with psychedelics. Dmt has always be... View More
Entheogens and God
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Psychedelics » DMT
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Psychedelics » DMT
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Spirituality » Meditation
Can anyone help me with an extraction question. Just after removing feom freezer, draing, and placing by fan; it seems to keep melting completly into liquid. Didnt have this issue on the first few pul... View More
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At a recent burn I was able to pass around my yocan dab pen with demetri, which btw if my favorite current device. It's really nice because it's highly efficient, and you can choose to blast off or ju... View More
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Certainly yoga can! Its much more work to produce the same results w/o drugs. I can imagine you get blasted on deemsters/ yoga.
Like October 24, 2019
Apparently listening to and meditating on different frequencies whilst tripping can also take you to different realms, with repeatable results
Like October 24, 2019
With some playing around I was able to install this app on pc using blustacks emulator. Not the hardest thing to do, if anyone is interested lmk. They do have a workthrough if just google this app on ... View More
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Ahh man, I guess I should've just asked haha. Well all a learning experience, but yeah the website is much better
Like October 23, 2019
Detailed Guide to unique drug combinations
Dmt+lsd- One of my favorite combos which synergize very well together. In light doses it kicks Lsd visuals up significantly, adding a golden glow and geometri... View More

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