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Does anyone know if having spores or mycelium is legal in ca
1 person likes this.
@psillymyco no, they’re only decriminalized in Denver, Oakland, and Santa Cruz, not San Fran, unfortunately
Like April 8, 2020
My bad Oakland is what i meant when i said Frisco
Like April 8, 2020
Dam i stay ordering spores lmao and ik plenty of other people who do too
Like April 8, 2020
We all still order them..the question was on the legality of owning them..is it illegal California..yes indeed..will it stop me from growing..Hell Nah
Like April 8, 2020
I have p bad adhd lol and being locked up in the house makes it even harder to be motivated or concentrated last time i tripped i felt myself getting bored which has never happened! So im planning on ... View More
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Like April 3, 2020
Jk fr tho brother bear
Like April 3, 2020
@ryan lmao always wanted to trip on a funny scary movie like young frakenstein or army of darkness lol feel like would laugh my ass off
Like April 3, 2020
Jacobs ladder. That always got my friends off the couch and then you can go do something fun, lol
Like April 3, 2020
This is directly in response to some extremely dangerous advice given out by someone who is not a doctor or a psychiatrist telling someone they should stop taking their anti depressants to be more spi... View More
14 people like this.
Each to their own. I used to be on SSRIs for bipolar, but i lussed them for mindfulness and so i could trip properly. Im wayy better off now, psychologically and as a person. No, i wouldn't force someone to stop taking antidepressants to trip better. I would however, let people know that antidepress... View More
Like April 3, 2020
Jay Pickles
Idk how this group went from love and completely non judgmental, to everyone just acting like they're opinion on matters is law. Everyone is different, so stop telling people what they should and shouldn't take! You have no idea what others have been through or are going through. Someone else's trau... View More
Like April 3, 2020
“We are defined by our actions, not our words”
Like April 3, 2020
Jay Pickles
ALX8721 Your right man, guess sometimes I just need to be reminded of that. Appreciate the strong message.
Like April 3, 2020
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