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Curtis Perkins

Male. Lives in Cardiff, United Kingdom. Born on March 7, 1993. Is in a relationship.
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Here seeking good knowledge of psychedelics
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Curtis Perkins
Dolphin delights last night they was very nice indeed
6 people like this.
Keep it up homie
Like November 30, 2019
How much did you take ?
Like November 30, 2019
Curtis Perkins
I took 10 g and they are dolphin delight magic truffles mate
Like November 30, 2019
Congrats Curtis Perkins for winning the monthly book giveaway. Please email [email protected] with shipping details and we will get this sent out right away!
9 people like this.
The Transcendent Stoner
Like September 26, 2019
Curtis Perkins
Thanks guys sorry havent been able to log in for a while x
Like November 8, 2019
Like November 9, 2019
Nice, congrats dude! Looks like an awesome book!
Like November 9, 2019
Curtis Perkins
Mushroom tes is phenomenal
7 people like this.
Curtis Perkins
Like September 11, 2019
Oh jeah I have to go out and harvest some too 1f642.png I know a good location where are every year thousands of them 1f642.png
Like September 14, 2019 Edited
Curtis Perkins
Its still a tad early here in south wales but theyvare comjng out well, enjoy your picking bro x
Like September 14, 2019
Here in North Germany too, but in two weeks the paddocks here will explode 1f642.png Enjoy it too! Loving the process <3
Like September 15, 2019
Curtis Perkins
Iys the season guys โค????????
17 people like this.
Peter John
Nice find curtis. Ive booked a trian journey to wales tomorow. Scotland is ripe already. Been out the last few days with not much to pick. Thanks for the message regarding the spores from the liberty cap.
Like September 9, 2019
Good haul!
Like September 9, 2019
Curtis Perkins
Had my first trip on dmt, WOW i dont feel the need to use it again my ego is gone and nothing wven matters i feel like we live in a stimulation a complex computer desinged system, and that material st... View More
19 people like this.
amazing way to put it! We are as stuck in "reality" like the software is stuck in the hardware of the computer. Stuck together in whatever this place that we created is. Nothing, but everything. Changing forever, Tao.
Like September 7, 2019
Curtis Perkins
Best description ever @casus thats legit how i feel x
Like September 7, 2019
My last experience was interesting. I took 2 and a half hits and held it in. The most intense vibration over came my body while vibrant colors took over the landscape. I then found myself in a dark circular room surrounded by clown entities something told me to open my eyes. The people with me were ... View More
Like September 7, 2019
My first breakthrough, i honestly felt like i was the only person, who had ever lived, that had been shown what i saw, i felt so honoured and blessed. I dont think you can ever forget the first breakthrough, its something you take to your grave
Like September 7, 2019
Curtis Perkins
3 people like this.
This tek for me with acacia seemed to be very fatty i boil the bark in vinigar/water then use that water with this process
Like September 6, 2019
Curtis Perkins
The drop at 18:50 wow
Curtis Perkins
My DMT Vape pen arrived today, lets prepare for my first experience, i hope to come back with something good to tell x
25 people like this.
Where would the best place to look for these be?
Like September 6, 2019
Where coupd i look these up??
Like September 6, 2019
I dont like the pens personally. To each their own though. I prefer pure
Like September 7, 2019
I use dc weed vapes and would love to experience dmt on vape form! Now that would be an experience
Like September 7, 2019
Curtis Perkins
Curtis Perkins
Check out my good friend gater ????????????
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