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Birch tree

Male. Born on January 19, 1997. Is single.
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Pure mental...
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Birch tree
Birch tree
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So who controls the present controls everything
Like January 27, 2020
Because present is everything
Like January 27, 2020
Birch tree
37 people like this.
Birch tree
Like January 27, 2020
Hailey Nicole
Beautifully said !! Mu life seems to be all about these special chemicals also, but i want to tell everyone in the whole wide world about them so they can have this wonderful awakening also ❤️❤️❤️
Like January 27, 2020
, I commend you for your efforts. I hope you have a long reaching grasp! I keep my circle small, and have a hard time with people in real life. So those that i keep close, are forced to listen with anything I learn lol. I never force the chemicals on people, only the knowledge and stori... View More
Like January 27, 2020
Hailey Nicole
my circle is small in real life also, but this platform is starting ro become my main circle with all of you bein my babes ❤️❤️ sorry not sorry!! Hahah
Like January 27, 2020
Birch tree
Define ego in three words !..
6 people like this.
Spooner exactly. Fire burns, lions bite, giant rocks fall from the sky, the earth is a pretty hostile environment even for those as well adapted as our species. If you haven't read Return of The Bird Tribes by Ken Carey I think you would really enjoy it. Any of his works I think you would like. Let ... View More
Like January 23, 2020
Bully of soul
Like January 23, 2020
The interesting part is that people want get rid of the ego out of egoistical motives.
Like January 23, 2020
In my way
Like January 23, 2020
Birch tree
Happy birchday to me !!
20 people like this.
@SycoDelix Hermaline its a natural Monoamine oxidase inhibitor lasting for about 4 to 6 hrs depending on the dose, Monoamine oxidase system (among other important things) is responsible of degrading the DMT molecules when ingested orally, and cause psylocibe/psiclocin is also a triptamin molecule t... View More
Like January 20, 2020 Edited
Thanks everyone! I understand the maoi in aya, but was totally unaware it's effective with mushrooms also... interesting and it appears I'll be digging into some new topics!
Like January 20, 2020
Birch tree
It can also be mixed with cannabis, i microdoes it with mushrooms , on its self is psychoactive but a bit noisy ...
Like January 20, 2020
Birch tree
P.s Its leath to mix with 5meo dmt
Like January 20, 2020
Birch tree
Let go of your mind and become mindful , close your ears and listen .....
8 people like this.
Loooove this pic.
Like September 6, 2019
Birch tree
17 people like this.
Lady Imperatrix
Awesome... 1f642.png
Like September 5, 2019
Tis a very nice anime
Like September 6, 2019
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