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Scarlett N

Female. Born on September 28, 1999.
About Me
Hello dear whoever is reading this! I love you! Hope you're having a wonderful day. :)
I go by Scarle... View More
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Psychedelics » Other Compounds
Scarlett N
shared a few photos
Some Dall-E 2 generated artwork I found that I really liked, captioned according to prompts given.
The first (or last?) two had the prompt "Ego", and I really liked its interpretation of this prompt.
I'... View More

Scarlett N
added new photos to her album "Art I Love"
24 people like this.
That is fabulous!
Like July 10, 2022
We aren't certain where you're groups went. There us however a problem with the about section of your profile. You have contact information in it which violates the terms of service. Please update you... View More
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Scarlett N
Oh man does that mean I should delete that post where I linked to online movie lists I made with trippy themes? There is no way to message on there but comments exist so I guess that's bad enough 1f614.png (I made it private in the meantime)
Like May 4, 2022 Edited
No, linking other platforms was something that we never really approved of.... in the beginning we were still learning and the TOS was still evolving but with illegal sourcing happening and becoming more and more of a problem we had to rule out the linking of other platforms completely. ..... The mo... View More
Like May 5, 2022
It's been a while since you've been here and as you know things are always changing and improving just keep asking questions we'll get you up to speed and if you've done something that is not allowed, you know we'll let you know so we can make your experience here enjoyable. It's nice to ... View More
Like May 5, 2022 Edited
Scarlett N
Thank you very much for taking the time to explain all this! I really appreciate it. And yeah I get why you need to do all this, it must be a nightmare trying to keep illicit sourcing at bay on this scale. I manage a very small group where we have extremely strict rules against that that evrery ne... View More
Like May 5, 2022
Scarlett N
Oregon becomes first US state to decriminalize drug possession!
Very happy to hear these news. This is huge! smile.gif
"Measure 110 was passing by a wide margin in unofficial returns updated Wednesday morning.
Th... View More

Scarlett N
Key Points:
▸ Don’t share items (bongs, joints, pipes, injection equipment etc).
▸ Stock up on drugs & ... View More

Scarlett N
Haven't been on here in a while, missed this place!
How's everyone? How are you spending your quarantine? Do you feel oppressed by it or are you enjoying it? Has the virus affected you directly in any ... View More

7 people like this.
Selfishly its been one of the best two months Ive had in an already blessed lifetime. Had all my work and half my income cut but spent super quality time with my oldest and dearest friends and darling wife in the hiking in awesome nsture high on and off quality drugs! Mixed emotions going back to th... View More
Like May 7, 2020
Scarlett N
@MushAmongThePines I'm sorry to hear you're being overworked 1f614.png I think it's criminally insensitive for a company to overwork their employees during this time, hopefully that changes soon. Hope things resolve as soon as they can and that you get to see your grandparents soon <3 it sucks having to stay... View More
Like May 7, 2020
Scarlett N
@Shaboy glad to hear you're having such a great time! 1f642.png Take care at work, much love to you too! <3
Like May 7, 2020
Im staying in the mindset that its possible the planet needed this. People have the time to reset and check their priorities, plants and animals get to adapt and recover from endless years of the dominator culture making them take a back seat to man. Im hoping lots of progress comes from this. Ho... View More
Like May 7, 2020
Scarlett N
Psychedelic Movie Recommendations - Add Yours in Comments!
Serious Tone:
- Waking Life
- The Tree of Life
- The Fountain
- I Heart Huckabees
- Hector and the Search for Happi... View More

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Deepak S
Black mirror bandersnatch
Like January 11, 2020
The new Mary poppins movie, that shit blew my mind rofl.
Like January 13, 2020
Question, do you guys prefer to watch the movies with sound or without sound but with music playing??
Like January 13, 2020
T rex ophora
Just watched enter the void the other night. Highly recommend, but i might put it in nsft catagory. I mean i watched it trippin, and it was pretty intense. I dont know that you need to be, to fully enjoy that movie. It was amazing.
Like January 13, 2020
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