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Hey everyone
Anyone take pill form shrooms through customs?
Going on a trip but a bit hesitant to bring them. Tsa is no prob but customs seems to be a whole other thing. Would love feed back.
1 person likes this.
Yep. Iron supplement bottle. Use same size capsules that the real ones are. Be careful and do this at your own risk of course.
Like January 12, 2020
Hey, hope you are enjoying the site, my friend! Sorry we didn't get much time to go through the groups earlier. This is a great group for extraction DMT extraction tek. There's a 5-meo group too (gro... View More
I am looking into best way extracting DMT and grwowing shrooms from scratch. I am a sound healer and want to start incorporating my sound healing with micro dosing ceremonies. Love feed back. ... View More

6 people like this.
Spyorg Plaird Yppah
There are groups on here about mushroom growing teks and dmt extraction teks join them and very experienced people would love to assist
Like September 7, 2019 Edited
Thank you
Like September 7, 2019
Ive attendes sound healing sessions on fungi. Twas an amazing experience. Definitely seems like good work. Best of luck!
Like September 7, 2019
Good luck im on my first run of some mushys just put my spawn and sub in tubs yesterday
Like September 7, 2019
Love your profile pic!♡
Welcome, my friend! So very glad you are here!♡♡♡\(ü)/
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