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Male. Born on January 16, 1981.
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First bho from my last harvest hope it comes out good
4 people like this.
Feel lik it looks to wet Anyone dehydrate their buds before you blast?????
Like November 23, 2021
Thor Odinson
I can almost smell it. Gimme gimme lol.
Like November 23, 2021
Did you blast cold with dryice an etho slurry
Like November 23, 2021
Bho blast
Like November 24, 2021
Anyone have any suggestions I think it's the third week of flower I don't know if it's a nitrogen issue or a fungus but I'm getting a lot of yellow leaves what's some spots maybe it's phosphorus been ... View More
4 people like this.
I had mines doing this was bad ph it could take up an nutes
Like September 10, 2021
Got me thinkin my pen might be bad got a cheap on from amazon im useing well water i havnt changed much jus some flower noots
Like September 10, 2021
Yup the yellow ph or blue pens i smashed 2of the with a hammer 2weeks ago my soil ph was up to 7.2 so i flushed with water at ph5.5 let dry an re ad nutes not saying that whats going on with yours check the soil ph an ppm on the run off
Like September 10, 2021
To me it looks like it’s the older leaves that are yellowing. I’m personally taking a lot of older leaves off, in order to let more air and light flow under and through the canopy. I wouldn’t trip to hard, I mean I do, but not off of that.
Like September 14, 2021
shared a few photos
AA+ I feel like this train is very slow..I spawn this tray probably like 20 days ago everything colonized except for the top layer ..should I flip it maybe?? see in the second picture its all colon bu... View More
Let get this friday started
8 people like this.
Like November 8, 2019
Grow Grow Gadget
Hay I've smoked one of those before.
Like November 8, 2019
I looove dankwoods! Such a slap in the face type of baked
Like November 8, 2019
Ozric Starshine
Why do you mix an herb that heals with one that kills?
Like December 10, 2019
This started out as a side pin turned into a monster
14 people like this.
Like November 1, 2019
Like November 1, 2019
And people say they hate side pins that big guy on the right was a side pin
Anybody do any moonshining I'm thinking of picking up with this 6 gallon still from The Distillery Network don't know if they're reputable company anybody have any trusted companies out there I could ... View More
11 people like this.
I dont believe. Never heard of it tho.
Like December 10, 2019
I dont think so, i think psilocin is sensitive to heat, im at work without time to research further
Like December 10, 2019
Legal in nz got 3 stills lol. Don't have a pot still thou I experiment. Use potatoes (boil) sugar, yeast, pumpkin(bake in oven) sugar, yeast, bananas (bake in oven to caramelize, sugar yeast. Adds a certain flavour to the vodka so not just vodka taste. ... View More
Like December 10, 2019
@sibonaught i used to use those essences all the time! Tennessee style whiskey. I didnt think flavours carry over from the mash in a reflux column so i never tried. I kept my mash a simple white granulated sugar, water and turboyeast.
Like December 10, 2019
(GT outside grow)They're definitely bruising up the Caps just threw me off didn't know if I should eat them or not and for some reason I can only see one out of six comments does that happen to anybod... View More
6 people like this.
Any idea wtf these are?
Like October 28, 2019
They're golden teachers
Like October 28, 2019
Wtf. Lol crazy
Like October 29, 2019
I honestly use the browser on my android is better...and you can set to get notifications depending on your browser. But you can also send messages which for me is better than app. But hopefully they fix that on later updates.
Like October 31, 2019
shared a few photos
Some of the outside golden teachers are they edible???
11 people like this.
I doubted they were GT, but its cause I misinterpreted what was going on, the word "outside" made me think they were found in the wild.
Like October 29, 2019
@oneofjerryskidz They lose color because of moisture. Cubensis have hydrophagous caps, changing color as they dry towards a lighter color.
Like October 29, 2019
@stephanie thanks i know that. Just trying to figure out what's going on with these like everyone else.
Like October 29, 2019
same here
Like October 29, 2019
Got some rain yesterday what do you guys think are these edible still are golden teachers I noticed the Caps are all cracked up
7 people like this.
A few of thwm look like GT but those white caps are something else i cant rmb the name right now... but the GT are absolutely good to eat fasho
Like October 28, 2019
Sometimes when you bury a cake, othwr mushrooms can move in and over take. Atleaat thats what happened to me and someone told me thta i researched it, But i do have experience with the buried cakes, they are safe to eat
Like October 28, 2019
Wow. Ive been wondering how they would change when adapting to non-sub tropic areas! This is awesome. Been working on introducing wild cubes to our cow fields and hoping they would be able to adapt. Seeing this gives me the feeling they may just have a chance through adapting to the cooler winter te... View More
Like December 10, 2019
Thats awesome, ive wanted to try Ovoids as well. Have yet to run across them
Like December 10, 2019
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