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Well it's official psychedelics revealed to me all the built up emotional stress that was weighing my life down was the fact my ego couldn't accept the fact that I was gay. So to everyone I'm gay and ... View More
18 people like this.
Good for you dude. My son is 15 and I guess he was scared to tell me he was gay (not sure why, it's not like I didn't know) at first I was terrified. But only cuz I love him and i remember how horribly people treated homosexuals in the late 90s when I went to school. But my wife eased my mind abou... View More
Like April 11, 2022
Nothing makes me happier than people who can be who they truly are. Be true to yourself first and foremost.
Like April 11, 2022
Man...in this society, it can take some real strength to face and accept that part of yourself. That's awesome. Congrats on finding yourself
Like April 11, 2022
Congratulations on finally loving yourself! I know it must have been very hard of you but you did it! You are finally a free person!
Like April 12, 2022