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Last few days ive been micro dosing by mixing powdered mushies into my coffee. I have to say this has been by far the best dosing experience I've ever had.
Has anyone else tried this? Ive heard milk ... View More

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Havent tried it that way but I like the idea!Maybe ill try it out this weekend 1f600.png
Like November 22, 2019
I agree that a bit more than micro dose is quite nice. I'll definitely do this with coffee 1f642.png
Like November 22, 2019
I do powder and wash it down with coffee in the morming...when i dose
Like November 23, 2019
Yeah, i had been trying different ways because i don't handle the taste well at all. Coffee completely masks it for me. Might even try to do my next macro dose using coffee as well.
Like November 26, 2019
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Lake Superior. It was an absolutely gorgeous night.
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I decided to write things down that ive been struggling to let go and burn them. I dont usually do things like this but have just had an excess of feelings ive been holding inside myself and just coul... View More
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Windswept Eyes
I just listenred to a podcast where they said to do exactly this! Great idea
Like October 14, 2019
I always feel so much anxiety b4 a trip. What is everyones experience as far as their average dose they're comfortable taking without a trip sitter? I ran 2 grams a couple weeks ago with mild effects.... View More
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Fox L'shra
Also Beta blockers work by blocking the effects of the hormone epinephrine, or adrenaline. It lowers blood pressure because it slows your heart rate.
Like October 12, 2019
Well its in gods hands now. 5g melted in chocolate down the hatch. We shall see what im made of tonight hahaha
Like October 13, 2019
It was decent, not nearly as strong as i expected. I ended up purging like 4 hours in. Id planned to go for a walk but opted to stay inside. Overall it was good though, ive had some inconsistency in the potency of my treasure coast though. Like i tripped my face off on like a gram of babys and abo... View More
Like October 14, 2019
Oh yeah? What is his conclusion? Im considering starting to pick earlier because it really seems like the little one pack more of a punch
Like October 14, 2019
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At a museum and i found this in a halloween themed spooky plants exhibit. There was a ton of cool stuff. Everything from poisonous plants to old school rememedies .
Hey guys, i got an aicook dehumidifier that says its temp range is 104-154 fahrenheit. But ive noticed the tops of my mushies turn black even at the lower temps after just a few hours. Worried about i... View More
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Been thinking a lot about the state of the world. Probably my favorite pastime to be honest. Theres a lot of stuff going on and i feel this general outcry of frustration and confusion from the general... View More
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John Stamos, velociraptor
Like September 29, 2019
This is insightful. I think fine tuning capitalism makes sense and if we could do it in a way that works for the majority instead of it being used to hold down the lower and middle class, it would be a lot better. I feel like a lot of people look at the lower class and blame them for being there w... View More
Like September 29, 2019
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