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Male. Lives in United Kingdom. Born on November 14, 1989.
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Ready for my first 2.5g dose of penis envy in 2 weeks ill leave a trip report for anyone Who is interested..and if your wondering qhat the blue paper is thats 1 hit on NN DMT but im not ready for that... View More
7 people like this.
Yes safe travels!
Like July 31, 2021
Have fun
Like July 31, 2021
Like July 31, 2021
Happy trails bud!
Like July 31, 2021
Hi everyone,
So after a long time reading researching & listening to various experiences ive finally sourced some penis envy mushies (5g) and am planning to have my 1st trip.
Just wondering if anyone ha... View More

5 people like this.
Thanks for taking the time to share your advice, experience & knowledge. Im planning on doing a 2.5g dose with a close friend who will also eat the other 2.5g. Ill leave a trip report for those who are interested which will be in the next couple of weeks. Thanks guys mush love
Like July 23, 2021
PE is a whole different monster than standard cubensis. Being that its your first time, I wouldn’t excede 2.5g. Create a trip zone. A place you will be comfortable and SAFE. Preferably not in public!! If you have a trip sitter available that would be recommended. Always remember, no matter which dir... View More
Like July 23, 2021
I’ve always found alcohol will bring me out of a trip. If things get too intense, have a couple of beers. Safe travels snd have fun.
Like July 23, 2021
Haha my first time that I took them myself was 4g, my friend made chocolates and she told me there was 1g in each chocolate and they were so small I didn't think she could get 1g in each one. Now that I make my own, I know better LOL so my smartass decided to eat 4 of them... Whelp. They kicked in ... View More
Like July 23, 2021
Hi all, could somebody point me in the right direction for a DMT Tech.
Turns out my local park is pretty awsome haha
17 people like this.
Can anybody advise how to dry out aminita & the best way to consume?
Like November 2, 2020
Why cant we all just be nice to eachother. & love everyone..its all about greed, money, power & religion. I wish i was an animal because i hate the human race were the cause all off this shit!!!!!!!!!
These look like Psilocybe serbica?
6 people like this.
Looks more like p. Semilanceata. What was the substrate? Serbica likes wood or woody soil. If you found them in grass or near grassy lands, probably semilanceata. I see you live in UK, semilanceata is very common there, serbica not so much i believe. Did you take a spore print?
Like October 15, 2020
Yea i took a spore print but its very dark almost black..it doesnt have the brownie purple colour?.....and i picked them in the forrest they were growing around an old tree stomp im woody soil...any advice would be great thanks
Like October 15, 2020
share this post with the Wild mushroom identification group, im sure they will be able to help you out
Like October 15, 2020
Are these psychoactive can anyone id?
10 people like this.
Elevated Incorporated
That’s just your standard ink cap. Myca something or other latin
Like October 15, 2020
Whilst im disappointed thanks for the info Elevated Incorporated i just looked up ink caps and they look almost the same as what i uave
Like October 15, 2020
Inaturalist app
Like October 26, 2020
Its a mica cap. Their edible if young (not turned black) but not psychoactive
Like October 26, 2020
Look at these beautiful fruits
10 people like this.
I know amanita muscaria is native to northern europe...i couldn't believe it when i walk past i didnt disturb them though im on the hunt for liberty caps but thought i share the beautiful picture. M
Like October 8, 2020
flying ointment
Like October 8, 2020
Christmas comes from those mushrooms you know, “ornimiants on a tree” is actually how monks would lay the shrooms out to dry.
Like October 8, 2020
Cam across this today during a walk in the park...anybody know what this is?
1 person likes this.
Looks like honey mushroom.
Like October 5, 2020
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