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Male. Lives in United Kingdom. Born on November 14, 1989.
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Status Update

Hi everyone,
So after a long time reading researching & listening to various experiences ive finally sourced some penis envy mushies (5g) and am planning to have my 1st trip.
Just wondering if anyone ha... View More

5 people like this.
Thanks for taking the time to share your advice, experience & knowledge. Im planning on doing a 2.5g dose with a close friend who will also eat the other 2.5g. Ill leave a trip report for those who are interested which will be in the next couple of weeks. Thanks guys mush love
Like July 23, 2021
PE is a whole different monster than standard cubensis. Being that its your first time, I wouldn’t excede 2.5g. Create a trip zone. A place you will be comfortable and SAFE. Preferably not in public!! If you have a trip sitter available that would be recommended. Always remember, no matter which dir... View More
Like July 23, 2021
I’ve always found alcohol will bring me out of a trip. If things get too intense, have a couple of beers. Safe travels snd have fun.
Like July 23, 2021
Haha my first time that I took them myself was 4g, my friend made chocolates and she told me there was 1g in each chocolate and they were so small I didn't think she could get 1g in each one. Now that I make my own, I know better LOL so my smartass decided to eat 4 of them... Whelp. They kicked in ... View More
Like July 23, 2021