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Status Update

Long time no speak friends???? im back and im very curious now on growing my own mushrooms. I dont know a thing about how to grow or where to buy equipment/spores. I would like to start with Lions Man... View More
8 people like this.
@thatguy05589 i have bought the book and have started reading it
Like October 6, 2021
@gage Beginners of Mycology, Shroomin 2.0, Agar Agar groups. Any terms you don’t understand, please head to the first group so we can post to people with similar questions for anyone starting out. 90 percent of the people here are pretty awesome, and would be more than happy to talk you through.
Like October 7, 2021 Edited
For lions mane, buy a bag of hardwood fuel pellets like hickory or oak. They will be sold at any store with pellet grills or wood stoves. Optionally add wheat bran as an additional nutrient. Pour boiling water in mycobags full of the fuel pellets and sterilize. Then you can nocc up some grains or pu... View More
Like October 7, 2021
Supplemented hardwood is is the best option. Buy fuel pellets from a grill place... is the most expensive option. If you have a place around that sells. Then as fuel pellets for house warming. Usually cheaper.... like 4-5 bucks ror 40lbs. Just gotta verify its hardwood. The new "big R" has good... View More
Like October 9, 2021