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Female. Lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Born on December 26. Is in a relationship.
Lucid Dreaming / Out of Body Experiences
695 Members
Appalachian Psychonauts
171 Members
Meetups and Communities
So many different versions of just one of my drawings. I had to use photoshop to edit out the sides because i had taken a picture of the original, then maybe went a little overboard with playing aroun... View More
9 people like this.
I like the one with the vivid red yellow and blue 1f642.png
Like November 6, 2019
And yet, another mushroom experience has handed me a glimpse of my future, lest it be an undefined awakening.
(A lil' day project, of mine)
15 people like this.
Like November 5, 2019
6 people like this.
We took the same
Like October 20, 2019
He changed as a person, after that trip.
Like October 20, 2019
So did i. everything felt so different.
Like October 20, 2019
T rex ophora
Wow. That intriguing. Some trips can just be life changing. An idea hits your head at just the right time , connections are made in the brain thst never existed before, and just like that your a new human. The old small self is gone and the new is born. But the small self is not the entirety of wh... View More
Like October 30, 2019
I've tripped on LSD about 5 times, but my friend is going to be doing it for the first time with me, this weekend. So far, I've got a say reserved for tripping, a recovery day, essentials for being ou... View More
12 people like this.
Have good happy music, some pixar or trippy cartoons you enjoy, and good weed. Black lights or other trippy led lights can be fun too. You can vape DMT or take NO2 to enhance your trip as well. Stay safe and test your doses with ehrlich reagent before consuming to make sure its not nbome or some ... View More
Like October 16, 2019
Thank ya!
Like October 16, 2019
Much love <3
Like October 16, 2019
Hey! Newcomer, here. Not just the website, but the community entirely. I've tripped less than 10 times, but my mind has come very far. I'm excited to reach even further with it.
With that being s... View More

18 people like this.
Welcome, travel safely!!!
Like October 16, 2019
The Transcendent Stoner
Welcome1f642.png glad to have ya! Head on over and check out the group section, its full of wonderful communitys.
Like October 16, 2019
Welcome Home!
Like October 30, 2019
T rex ophora
Welcome to the community then! Glad you found us! We are all on this ride together, might as well love and learn while we are at it! Lovin you!
Like October 30, 2019
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