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Male. Lives in Oregon, United States. Born on October 22, 1984.
About Me
Adventurous, outdoorsy. Would give you the shirt off my back if I saw you needed it or if you asked.
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The Psilocybe azurescens mycelium I planted in my yard is working. Oooohhhh yyyeeeeaaahhhhh
3 people like this.
That is NOT P. azurescens.
Like June 17, 2021
Eddy V
Nope. Not azzies.
Like June 17, 2021
I've never grown azzies but don't you need a woodchip bed or something similar for them?
Like June 17, 2021
Psilocybe Azurescens going to sub...
16 people like this.
What you gonna use for a casing?
Like March 20, 2021
I’m doing a shoebox, two lasagna pans and a Rubbermaid food container from the dollar store... I’ll put a pic of one on my page. I used, pellets and wheat bran coffee and gypsum. That’s why i was asking about your casing. I’m using a fridge. I’ll be posting my progress with colonization etc ... View More
Like March 21, 2021
Like March 21, 2021
I did a masters mix substrate with rice hulls instead of soy hulls, I added a little bit of spent coffee grounds and food grade gypsum to the water I used to hydrate with. I will probably just case with the rice hulls if it comes to that. Not doing a fridge as my house is like that already.. Im just... View More
Like March 22, 2021 Edited
Its about to push the top up.
17 people like this.
Jo smith
Tub of love
Like March 17, 2021
I have been throwing every brick I finnish fruiting in a garbage sack to put in the garden here when it unthaws. I have a few sacks full but the Last time i was in here was 5 or so days ago..
2 people like this.
Lucky charms
That cake is not done yet lol inject some distilled water bet it'll flush out a few times
Like March 16, 2021
Im hoping it will flush out outside and or help with my plants this year..
Like March 16, 2021
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Ahhhh such a nice day. I had to break out my baby and go score some belushi's blend to dab on. It has a nice taste to it. Citrus at first with a mellow earth/dirt taste to it.
Some tunes for your ear holes
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Picked these tubs this morning, picked the other half yesterday and this is what two half totes brought me. Not too shabby, I Will find out the rest tomorrow.
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Another two fer one
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28 jars in my closet, 14 more going in today. It will be my last run for a bit. I just opened two businesses and they will be taking alot of my time. One is glass blowing so you guys will get to see m... View More
18 people like this.
Congrats on getting to work for yourself! I’ll get there someday. @lisa use a pic of your badge as your profile pic next time.
Like March 4, 2021
Thanks for the encouragement guys, yeah it is a pretty big deal considering where I came from and where I have been. Prime example of, if I can do it, anyone can. The glass shop will be going in a month or so and I will be able to do a shop on here for you guys.
Like March 4, 2021
How did you meet you weight goals?
Like March 5, 2021
Weight in mushrooms that I set out to have as an end goal befor I even attempted to start spores.
Like March 5, 2021
Feminized wedding cake and hash plant for my outdoor this summer.
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