Adventurous, outdoorsy. Would give you the shirt off my back if I saw you needed it or if you asked.
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That is NOT P. azurescens.
June 17, 2021
Eddy V
Nope. Not azzies.
June 17, 2021
I've never grown azzies but don't you need a woodchip bed or something similar for them?
June 17, 2021
16 people like this.
I’m doing a shoebox, two lasagna pans and a Rubbermaid food container from the dollar store... I’ll put a pic of one on my page. I used, pellets and wheat bran coffee and gypsum. That’s why i was asking about your casing. I’m using a fridge. I’ll be posting my progress with colonization etc ... View More
I did a masters mix substrate with rice hulls instead of soy hulls, I added a little bit of spent coffee grounds and food grade gypsum to the water I used to hydrate with. I will probably just case with the rice hulls if it comes to that. Not doing a fridge as my house is like that already.. Im just... View More
I have been throwing every brick I finnish fruiting in a garbage sack to put in the garden here when it unthaws. I have a few sacks full but the Last time i was in here was 5 or so days ago..
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That cake is not done yet lol inject some distilled water bet it'll flush out a few times
Some tunes for your ear holes