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Male. Lives in Thailand. Born on September 18, 1998.
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35 people like this.
@irwin I've been told you can graft Lophs onto a columnar cactus such as a San Pedro and it will cut the growth time of the Loph quite a bit! Once it's established you can pull it off and let it root for itself 1f642.png Never tried this myself but a friend of mine has and he is experienced with cacti 1f642.png
Like January 20, 2021
Hell yes I saw peyote at the UK for like 40 bucks a plant but there’s no way it’s going to make it to the US I can’t even get Syrian rue back here
Like January 21, 2021
Dreaded Heathen
Like January 22, 2021
35 people like this.
I'm in love with these little chubby guys they look like dwarfs wearing wavy caps lol great work on them may the adventure they take you on be the grandest of nature
Like January 8, 2021
Fungi lab
What is the ghost a cross of
Like January 20, 2021
Thor Odinson
Sacred geometry + mushrooms = Om
Like January 20, 2021
Thor Odinson
Good shit duder. Gotta explain yoir method sometime. Im very interested. Mush luv.
Like January 20, 2021
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