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Azad Afrin

Male. Lives in Frankfurt, Germany. Born on October 8, 1999.
Azad Afrin
26 people like this.
I agree
Like May 13, 2020
True @cr1ms0nGh0st... i dont think thats the intention of the post but youre absolutely right, you can be successful at those things for sure!
Like May 13, 2020 Edited
In my calling as a healer there is no shortageclients thats for sure!
Like May 13, 2020
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Azad Afrin
Who else has spiritual depressions ?
1 person likes this.
Depression, turned into getting the shits. There has been a two-way silent treatment going on for far too long. But in reality I'm cutting off my nose to spite my face. Grrr
Like April 8, 2020
How do differentiate between regular depression. IME depression was certainly a spiritual crises. I’d go so far as to say all problems are problems of the heart.
Like May 13, 2020
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