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Male. Lives in United States. Born on December 30, 1997.
About Me
Just give me some weed or tabs and I’m happy
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
1369 Members
Psychedelics » Other Compounds
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Anyone know what peyote is like compared to acid or shrooms? Very curious and interested to try!! COMMENT PLZ
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Shallow people believe in luck and circumstance, strong people believe in cause and effect.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Everyone have a great day! Believe in yourself when others don’t and cherish the litt... View More

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If you want to change the way you perceive reality you have to start with yourself.
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Cant wait to trip early this morning in the natural beauties of the forest. The trees will dance, the birds will sing, and I will bow.
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“How can you see the world in it’s perfect form when your aren’t your perfect self?”
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