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Male. Lives in Oregon, United States. Is single.
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I try to be open minded
Spiral Dynamics: A value development model
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Psychology and Philosophy
Stoned Philosophers
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Psychology and Philosophy
All Things Dreaming
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Theology and Psychology
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Psychology and Philosophy
Terence McKenna
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Psychology and Philosophy
Cannabis jrs
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Psychedelics » Cannabis
Shroomin jrs
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Mycology » Psilocybin
Tripping clips
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Psychedelics » DMT
https://youtu.be/GwKuFREOgmo Scientist put nutrients for fungi the main nodes on a model map of toykos roads and it showed signs of intelligence by redsigning the roads more efficently then their orgi... View More
So guys have any of yall ever heard about the theory that mushrooms sparked the change in human intellgience in primates in caveman times. If you havent I suggest watching this video it explains it in... View More
Just joined, I have heard good things about this community exicted to learn from yalls viewpoints and experinces, stay safe everybody.
8 people like this.
Great, welcome glad you have found us.
Like May 13, 2020
Like May 13, 2020
Loved these albino penis ennvy shrooms, body high was absolutely amazing and hit in waves at the peak.
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