Psychedelics » Artwork
Hi there. i'e a question concerning magic mushrooms.I bought a grow kit, Mae them grow, I harvested them, everything's cool, then I dehydrated them and ate them. What happens with my shrooms is that ... View More
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So i had a great looking batch of TC's and they had zero potentcy i started with 2Gs then felt nothing the next day i took 5G nothing so the next day i took another 5Gs so it could just be a chance thing but i would like more infromation
October 27, 2020
My experiences have been similar with Shrooms. I'm in Australia, and we have what's known locally as Golden Tops and Blue Meanies. I've only had the Golden Tops, but each time I've had them I feel very heavy, tired and trance like. I’ve had them in a few different situations, with preparation and wi... View More
October 27, 2020
Hi everybody, finally I harvest my first shrooms, and I would like to show u some pics but I don’t know if it’s allowed here... can I share or better not?
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Hi there. I’ve a question, if somebody could help with this I would be pleased . I’m grow magic mushrooms but I’m not sure how to dry them and what do I need to do to store for a long time. Can anybod... View More
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You can also use the refrigerator. It sucks the moisture out of anything. Like pizza in the box. I always bag my pizza.
June 19, 2020
Hi everybody, I've just joined to this group. I never did DMT, I just found out about DMT around 6 months ago, and everything thing that I listen people talking is like mind blowing , and I really rea... View More
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First time that I heard about DMT it was on Joe's Rogan podcast , I had no idea that psychedelics could cause this effects, I thought that psychedelics were more for people that were into raves and that kind of music... I did once tried LSD, but I was 20 at the time , and I mixed it with alcohol and... View More