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Angelo Miguel
Hi there. I’ve a question, if somebody could help with this I would be pleased . I’m grow magic mushrooms but I’m not sure how to dry them and what do I need to do to store for a long time.
Can anybod... View More

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Angelo Miguel
And how much heat should i put? I really don't wanna screw this...1f60a.png
Like June 19, 2020
You can also use the refrigerator. It sucks the moisture out of anything. Like pizza in the box. I always bag my pizza.
Like June 19, 2020
Angelo Miguel
by freezing the mushrooms does it make them less potent over time?
Like June 19, 2020
@Farah, maybe if they were chinese id have better luck.. i only speak english and some chinese. i dont doubt your right. ive looked in a few stamets books and could find anything. and people are usually just throwing out their preferred temp
Like June 20, 2020