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Female. Lives in Sioux Falls, United States. Born on December 16, 1986.
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Isolation chamber, meditation, animals, outdoors
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Status Update

What constitutes as a microdose on DMT? Anything above 10 milligrams gives me tons of anxiety. Also is it true that lower doses give you much more anxiety than if you just break through ( I've been oc... View More
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10mg or less for most people. I start to feel the psychedelic effects at about 12mg. If you are going to microdose DMT I'd stay below 10mg vaped. In the long run these low doses have been shown to have anti anxiety effects.
Like February 9, 2021
I find low doses much more intimidating than big ones. Once I blast off there is no bandwidth left for anxiety.
Like February 9, 2021
Low doses (anything before reality goes HD) have a quite euphoric effect on me.
Like February 9, 2021