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After a while of cloning and growing a genetic will i eventually have to grow it out from spore again or is cloning alone fine
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My understanding you will need to go back to spores after so many clones
I’ve been so lost spiritually I’ve been on social media to much putting nothing but BS in my head I haven’t been tripping either deleted all social medias and finally hopped back on here to realize ju... View More
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Heck yeah man. I'm getting my ass kicked by life right now so it's good to see someone in the positive end of things!
Your post would be easier to read with some punctuation btw, but I figured out what you were saying either way 

Luke_Skywalker sorry about that lol I find my self typing without punctuation quite a bit, my ELA isn’t the best but I’ll work on it thanks for the feedback
https://youtu.be/MxxkWlGurCMMade a video demonstrating how to make grain spawn my first ever video so it’s not the best but I’ll work on it hopefully this helps somebody
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Has anyone ever tried this specific brand of wild bird seed and if u did what we’re your results did it work out?
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ChernobylMyco yea I been wanting to try no soak no simmer tek also seems to decrease time it takes quite a bit and wild bird seed in my area pretty cheap seems like a good grain
Yoda the prep was easy and when I inoculated the jars the mycelium took off well and I grew some good Melmac off of it. I’m looking forward to getting back to work shortly. Going to do 6 jars and test out the Liquid inoculant tek using just one fully colonized Agar plate to sterilized water in a pin... View More
ChernobylMyco I just got new space for mycology been nice gathering equipment and settling in with how cheap this bird seed is seems I’ll be able to expand my mycology works by a whole ton that is the hope at least it’s nice to hear your getting back in the mycology game really is a beautiful hobby ... View More
Yoda always happy to jump back in and work on something new. To me it is simply doing everything by phases. Phase 1 is getting a clean space, Phase 2 is pour Agar, Phase 3 is get sample to work, 4 then make the grain jars with No Soak No Simmer Bird seed and inoculate the same day when jars are done... View More
Jmf was my first ever grow and it has always produced immaculate fruits although it is a lovely strain I think it’s time to take it out of rotation thank you jmf/also I’m really starting to dig this b... View More
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JMF is always a good strain to work with! Aggressive results always happen from just MS that there really is no need to clone unless you want to! I have made Dark and dense prints from that fruit!
Woke up feeling sick today accidentally inhaled some trich last night don’t know if that’s the cause but I feel like shit lol
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