on May 20, 2023
Has anyone ever tried this specific brand of wild bird seed and if u did what we’re your results did it work out?
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yea I been wanting to try no soak no simmer tek also seems to decrease time it takes quite a bit and wild bird seed in my area pretty cheap seems like a good grain
Like May 21, 2023
the prep was easy and when I inoculated the jars the mycelium took off well and I grew some good Melmac off of it. I’m looking forward to getting back to work shortly. Going to do 6 jars and test out the Liquid inoculant tek using just one fully colonized Agar plate to sterilized water in a pin... View More
Like May 22, 2023
I just got new space for mycology been nice gathering equipment and settling in with how cheap this bird seed is seems I’ll be able to expand my mycology works by a whole ton that is the hope at least it’s nice to hear your getting back in the mycology game really is a beautiful hobby ... View More
Like May 22, 2023
always happy to jump back in and work on something new. To me it is simply doing everything by phases. Phase 1 is getting a clean space, Phase 2 is pour Agar, Phase 3 is get sample to work, 4 then make the grain jars with No Soak No Simmer Bird seed and inoculate the same day when jars are done... View More
Like May 22, 2023