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Female. Lives in Island of Misfit Toys, Christmas Island. Is married.
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Hey friend! Pm me your address for the microscopy spore print giveaway pretty please! Mush love! smile.gif
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Today i lemon tekked 2.5g while my kids were at school. I was glad for the short duration and come up, but i have spent the rest of the day feeling disjointed and a heavy energy over me. I also had mo... View More
What are optimum conditions for grain spawn growth? Temperature, light, etc? I noc'd up some corn according to Home Mycology, but it seems to be going slow. Maybe it needs to be a bit warmer than ambi... View More
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I havent temped them, theyre in a room with ambient temp of 72. I inoculated corn, gypsum and coffee with agar wedges. Its day 5 and theres no ourward growth. I need to get a laser thermometer, but have been dragging my feet.
Like August 26, 2020
Heating mat will help maintain heat
Like August 26, 2020
Jackoff Julie
So it's been a bit since the five day mark (26 Aug was your last post). Did your jars (or bags) finish their colonization? If you didn't see much at that point, I would be asking how the plates (if you were following 'Home Mycology' those would be salsa/tartar sauce containers) were colonizing befor... View More
Like September 19, 2020
Thanks for the response! It ended up being a temperature issue, i believe. The ambient temp was too cold. I placed my jars on a low temp heating mat, and theyre finally taking off! My spawn bags of lions mane are finally starting to colonize this way, too. I was so gung ho to get started, and then l... View More
Like September 20, 2020
No bike no life
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Also got a couple of rides... A kx 85...4 the kids (still crazy) Ktm smc Aprilia &&&...
Like July 31, 2020
I know it's not mush or dmt related, but today I rode a bike for the very first time in my life, as a 34 year old adult. Fuck all the other shit, I'm straight up gangster.
You're never too old to learn... View More

40 people like this.
Its fucking awesome isn’t it?
Like July 31, 2020
Omg, it's the best. And just another validation that the only thing standing between us and our dreams is ourselves, stupid fears and ego.
Like July 31, 2020
Right on brother i can feel ur excitment from hear and thats awesom! And thats how i feel it doesnt mater how old one is we can always learn new stuff and enjoy ourselves we’re only as old as we feel much mush love fam.
Like August 1, 2020
Like August 1, 2020
posted a trip report.
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Like July 26, 2020
Thats wonderful to read! Sounds like it was what you needed!
Like August 1, 2020
I did 4 grams, wasnt sure of the strain as it came from a friend. My husband thought i was nuts to start with 4g but i am so glad i did. I dont know if im mentally/emotionally prepared to do 20g. I'm gonna probably lemon tek 4g next time and see where that takes me, and then move up from there.
Like August 1, 2020
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